Friday, September 9, 2011

Taking responsibility

Taking responsibility is like swallowing a bitter pill for many. Every body likes to enjoy power, but conveniently forget that any type of power is always associated with responsibility. Take any number of examples. If you want to enjoy good health and a great body, you have to sweat it out by yoga or exercises and control the food intake. When you want to enjoy a great relationship; it is a deep commitment for all the years you want to keep it that way.

Whenever my kids were reluctant to get up from the bed in the mornings, I would tell them, ‘You have to get up now, because you are supposed to. If the Sun feels reluctant and doesn’t rise on time, or the heart wants to take rest and doesn’t beat for some time, what will happen?’

When you plan to have a garden , it is your basic responsibility to see that they thrive in a healthy environment. You can’t blame the gardener, it is your garden, right?

I have always felt an immense connection with everything around me. If there are four pans in the kitchen and I use only one for a long time, I could immediately sense the other three feeling sad. They are not being used and are gathering dust. I will get the same feeling as if I had not taken bath for a few days. Because of this I use every thing that is present in my house, on rotation. Initially I thought that there is something wrong with me to think like that. It was only years later, as I got deep into spirituality that I learnt everything in the Universe is basically vibration and it is very much possible to feel the vibrations of any animate or inanimate object by a sensitive individual.

I am thankful to God that he has given me the capacity to take up responsibilities and to see things to completion.

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