Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ram Bhakt Hanuman

Ram Lalla's consecration on 22nd January has raised the collective consciousness of the world at large, and specifically for India. We were travelling back from Hyderabad to Belgaum that day. On the way when we stopped at our farm, a monkey was playing on the trees. On reaching back home, I noticed a monkey walking on our terrace for about five minutes. As one who worships Lord Ram, I believe that his presence and blessings were manifesting through these monkey sightings.

In Hindu mythology, monkeys are often associated with Lord Hanuman, an ardent devotee of Lord Ram. 

It is said that Hanuman took the form of a monkey to assist Lord Ram in his quest to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king, Ravana. Therefore, the appearance of monkeys can be seen as a divine sign and a symbol of Lord Ram's presence.

The fact that I witnessed monkeys twice, at our farm, and at home, on the day of consecration of Lord Ram's idol further reinforces my belief in the significance of these sightings. It is as if Lord Ram's divine energy was not confined to the temple but permeated the entire journey and even my personal space.

To me, these incidents are not mere coincidences but a part of a grander, divine plan. They serve as reminders of the omnipresence and divine intervention in our lives. As a devotee, I interpret these occurrences as blessings and signs of Lord Ram's grace.

In conclusion, while skeptics may view these events as mere coincidences, I firmly believe that there are no coincidences in life, especially when it comes to matters of faith. The monkey sightings on the day of Ram Lalla's consecration were meaningful and significant to me personally, reaffirming my unwavering devotion.