Thursday, December 16, 2021

Podcast -Unit-8, Are readymade husbands available?


Before deciding to spend the rest of your life with that “special person”, please look deeply and study the relationship dynamics happening in other married couples’ lives. Listen to this podcast to get an idea.

CLICK  HERE to listen to the podcast

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Podast - Unit 7, On Stress Free Living

To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE

 Recently I conducted a session on "A Simple Formula For Stress Free Living". I used the metaphor of a tree to illustrate the principles of stress free living - FU ZE ZA AASA- Faith Unlimited, Zero Expectation, Zero Attachment, Acceptance, Acknowledgement, Surrender and Action. 

There was an interesting question after the session, “Madam, this is easy for a tree as it has hundreds of leaves and many buds/flowers. But for a human being with a single child, it is difficult to incorporate these principles.”

Well, I started the session with the statement that challenges/problems happen in the external world, on which we have no control. Stress is created in the internal environment by us. This destroys the inner peace and tranquillity. And challenges will be there in everyone’s life. Having a single child is the challenge for many couples in the present times. Would you allow that challenge to destroy your inner peace and the future of the child, or you will adopt these principles and celebrate your life? The choice is yours!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Dentistry, Reiki, and Spirituality

 My experience over decades forces me to search for a deep relationship between dentistry and spirituality. I was a well-established dental teacher and practitioner when I learned Reiki. Once I became a Reiki master, I was attuning people from all walks of life, and my junior dentists were eager to learn too.

Choosing a new path

Though I never dreamt of getting deep into Reiki, I was sort of pulled into it by life events. And so it was with some other dentists who learned Reiki from me. From incorporating Reiki healing practice along with their dental practice, to leaving dentistry and becoming a dedicated Reiki practitioner, I have a range of examples.

Women and sixth sense

I trained practicing dentists in a short course, to do better root canal treatment, in Belgaum at my center. Dentists from big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and from many international cities came to learn from me. My first question to them used to be, “Why did you choose to come here to learn when there are famous dental trainers in/near your place?”

And the answer was fascinating, “When I saw your face on the web site, I felt a connection with you, and knew that I have to come to you for the training”. This response I got from majority of female dentists, and may be one or two male dentists.

I don’t know whether it is because ladies are more in touch with their innerselves, or they are more forthcoming in sharing than males.

Always forthcoming with explanation

The beauty of Reiki is it helps one to grow and brings whatever is needed for the growth. Over the years I learned many other healing techniques. Being sensitive and intuitive, I could feel the difference between various healing techniques, and used to look for confirmation from somebody else. I would give Reiki healing and the new technique to this junior dentist who was with me, and she would give me a crisp explanation, which confirmed my finding. 

Also, many dentists narrate beautiful spiritual experiences during their attunements and healings.

Dentistry vs Spirituality

These examples force me to speculate a deep connection between dentistry and spirituality. Whether dentistry helps spiritual growth or spiritually oriented people choose dentistry as a profession, will be interesting to ponder over!