Friday, June 4, 2021

Podcast- Unit 4 - Experiences en route the Spiritual Journey

To listen to the podcast: CLICK HERE

I have been teaching Reiki for more than two decades now. Though I was not aware of this important aspect when I learnt Reiki, after many years of daily self Reiki self healing, in retrospect I realised I was advancing on my spiritual path. Reiki brings whatever is needed for your growth. So I am not surprised when people practicing continuously come back to me with many questions and doubts.

A new path has been opened up for you

When we are in a totally worldly (materialistic, should I say?) pursuit, it is as if there is a dark glass in front of our eyes. Many things are obscured from our view, and we also get a distorted view. When we embark on our spiritual journey, a whole new world, and a new path opens up before us. We will have many exalted experiences. They may be dream experiences, or day to day miracles. One aspect is, they are really happening. Secondly, you have become more sensitive to notice many things and to remember them.

They are just views along the path

In our routine life, we are trained to analyse things and arrive at conclusions. That approach is going to backfire here. We are on a journey and if we stop at every view on the path and waste time analysing, our journey may be delayed, or halted.

Enjoy, sing a song and trod along

Instead, whenever you get any such experience, thank the Universe for bringing it your way, enjoy it and keep moving!