Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra

 The Vishuddhi Chakra is situated in the throat. It is the fifth chakra and the center of physical and spiritual purification. Its name is derived from this function (Visha = impurity, poison Shuddhi = purification). Ether or space (Akasha) is the element associated with this chakra. According to Quantum physics, space is flooded constantly by electromagnetic energy. Akasha means the basis and essence of all things in the material world, it is the first element created. A Lotus with sixteen petals is the symbolic picture of Vishuddhi Chakra.

Functions of Vishuddhi Chakra

Harmful residues are removed from the body on a physical level, and in the mental sphere the thoughts, emotions, consciousness and subconscious are purified and harmonised. This is done by the breath that flows through the throat, and therefore through this Chakra. It purifies and detoxifies the harmful substances that accumulate in the body which primarily come from the food we eat and the air we breathe. This detoxification is brought about by Udana Prana, which has its seat in the throat. Udana Prana enables us to swallow. The food that is broken down by saliva is purified of toxic substances by this Prana and is then passed on to the digestive system. It is important to chew the food thoroughly to facilitate this process.

Blessings from Vishuddhi Chakra

The Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist. A balanced Throat chakra can gift us with clear voice, a talent for speech, singing, and also, calm balanced thoughts. It unleashes abundant feeling of happiness and freedom, allowing our abilities and skills to blossom. When it is open, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning. ‘Vak Siddhi’ may be realised in this centre, which is the extraordinary ability to have the words that one speaks come true.

Signs of blockage

Lack of freedom, restriction, anxiety, thyroid and throat problems can point to blockage here. There may be speech impediments and swallowing problems too. People with blocked Vishuddhi Chakra are often blind to their own mistakes and try to put the blame and responsibility for their unhappiness and misfortune on others. Feeling of guilt is considered the most prominent reason for this chakra to block the Kundalini energy moving upwards.

When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.

To keep this Chakra balanced

-          Yogasanas that help to clear throat chakra are  Plow Pose (Halasana), Shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

-          Conscious guidance and regulation of the breath, called Pranayama, exerts a strong influence on the Vishuddhi Chakra, at both the physical and astral levels.

-          Singing stimulates the throat chakra

-          Meditation upon this chakra is said to bring about various siddhis like vision of the past, present and future; freedom from disease and old age problems; and destruction of dangers.

F    For meditating on Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra, CLICK HERE


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Role of food in spiritual pursuit

 Think for a moment all that you have dreamt of achieving, all that you plan to do, all the relationships you want to enjoy. What is basic necessity to do all these? You need to have a healthy body right? So giving attention and time for the body is of utmost importance. The physical body is made of five elements and it needs to get a constant supply of these five elements for daily maintenance. Here we will concentrate on the earth element, that is, the food you eat.

What is so great about food?

When I look around, I see many people eat just to fill their stomachs. Pick up food from anywhere, eat while walking to the workplace, live on junk food for days together etc., Think about it. The food you put in your mouth is building the future you. It kindles a fire in your stomach for good digestion and then splits itself into the many elements needed to build good healthy cells. If you eat junk food you get junk cells and that can lead to illness.

Food and mind

We don’t realise that the food we eat plays a huge role in our ability to reach that deep meditative state. Our nervous system and brain will not allow us to transcend our body when certain nutrients are not present. On consuming Rajasic food it creates a turbulent mind which leads to racing emotions, blocking calmess and peace in your life.  Small quantities of Rajasic food give you motivation, too much make your mind fly around too much.

The food we eat affect our psychology as the healthy cells go deeper than the physical body. They feed your mind. It is interesting to note that the people who cook for you, who feed you your food, who grow your food, their energy, their vibes, their knowledge, thinking, emotions and care for the quality of the food all go into your dish.

Vegetarian/ Non-vegetarian food

There are always heated arguments on this topic. For the first 23 years of my life I used to have fish for lunch and dinner and once in a while, meat. But it used to be a small piece of fish with rice and vegetables. I am astonished at the huge quantities of non-vegetarian food that people consume! After getting married to a vegetarian and having a pact of ‘not forcing one person to adopt the other’s habit and not cooking non-vegetarian food at home’, gradually I felt happy only with vegetarian food. More than that I could feel the change in my body, it was more calm and at peace. But once in a while I feel my body craving for fish and we go out to have it.

My husband doesn’t have any religious sentiment for not having non-vegetarian food, it just cannot go down his throat. He suffered much in the hostel in Kerala where he was one of the three vegetarians among 100 inmates. Majority of the other vegetarians converted to non- vegetarians.

After I became a Past Life Regression facilitator I got an explanation for this. He must have eaten too much non- vegetarian food in a past life that he decided not to have it at all. So you can see there are so many factors involved. Imagine advising an Eskimo to have only vegetarian food! They survive on sea food for ten months of the year. It is only in the summer season they get to gather a few plant foods such as berries, grasses, tubers, roots, stems, and seaweeds.

Learn to listen to your body

We as humans seem to be so much disconnected from the natural world and where our food comes from.  Animals living in its natural environment don’t become overweight or suffer from a chronic illness as a result of their diet. They just know what to eat as they are in touch with the innate intelligence that drives their food choices, and as a result, they thrive. Unfortunately we have come to a point we no longer intuitively know what is correct for us to eat. This is a strong indication how spiritually disconnected we have become.

When you sit down to eat, have your entire focus on the food. Do not watch television, or have it running in the background while eating. When you take each morsel and put inside the mouth, feel the sensations and tastes that it is creating. Chew it nicely, having a mental attitude of gratitude to the persons involved in cultivating that food, taking it to the shops, and cooking. We are all one and interconnected. Attitude of gratitude helps to bring that feeling inside.

We need to start eating ‘real’ food that comes from a plant, not manufactured in a ‘plant’. Any ready to eat food that comes in a packet should not be taken routinely. Give attention to the Pranic value of food. When you pluck a carrot, it is having the highest Pranic value. This keeps on reducing as it is left outside for two days or kept in the refrigerator for a week. If you buy frozen cut and packed carrots from the store, it is actually dead food.

Try to cook your meals as much as possible. Cooking can be done with an attitude of doing your ‘Sadhana”. You can chant mantras while cooking, which will increase the Pranic value.

Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasic food

See your food in terms of satvik, rajasic and tamasic values. Satvik foods like freshly prepared food, cow’s milk, plant based and raw foods help you in your spiritual pursuits.

Rajasic foods in the pure form, can be fresh and nutritious, but the trouble starts when oil or spices are added, rendering it negatively balanced. Items such as red meat, red lentils, toor lentils, white urad lentils, black gram, chickpeas, spices such as chilies and stimulants such as broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, onion and garlic, tea, coffee, tobacco, soda, alcohol, chocolate, sour apples, pickles and refined sugars all fall in the Rajasic food category. Rajasic food should be consumed only during noon. It is advisable to avoid Rajasic food at dinner as it inhibits digestion.

Rajasic food denotes activity, decision-making, energy that is required for tasks and mental robustness. The foods in this category are stimulating and activate the various functions of the body. Rajasic food energises almost all the systems, specially the nervous system. Their effects on the mind are to help you push yourself beyond your normal capacity and capability.

Tamasic diet constitutes all spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods. Remember, overeating sattvic food too brings on tamas in an individual. Generally, overeating is a tamasic trait. Some of the spices like pepper, asafoetida, chili, and turmeric are high on pranic energy, but they should be consumed in moderate levels. Excess of it can lead to problems and deteriorate digestion. 









Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Heart chakra is the fourth chakra. In Sanskrit, anahata means " unstruck,unhurt, and unbeaten". Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm). Though we are not used to the effect produced by the meeting of two opposite forces, at the level of Anahata, it becomes possible to integrate two opposite forces and obtain the effect, sound in this case, without the forces being confronted. Anahata also means “infinite” and “continuous”. It is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity.

A lotus flower with twelve petals represents Anahata. The intersection of two triangles in the center create a shatkona that represents the union of male (Purusha – the Supreme Being) and female (Prakriti – Nature). ). The deity of this area is Vayu.

Outside the realm of Karma

We know that in Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma. But Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. Here, one can follow one’s heart and make decisions based on one’s higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.

Anahata  is also associated with love, compassion, charity and psychic healing. Meditation on this chakra can bring control on speech, literary ability, Sankalpa Shakti, the power to fulfil desires, and the ability to leave and enter the body at will. To fulfil a desire, concentrate on it in your heart. The purer your Anahata Chakra, the more swiftly the wish will be fulfilled.

Infinite Love

Our love becomes infinite when our heart opens to Divine Love. The extent of the radiance of Anahata Chakra depends upon the depths of our relationships. The boundless nature of Anahata is expressed as ‘a heart as deep as ocean’, ‘to have a big heart’, and ‘to have a place in the heart for everyone’.  

Worldly attachment and dependency are two specific problems encountered in the Anahata Chakra. If we have fulfilled our duties in life and are still unable to release ourselves from the constant worry of family and possessions, this indicates a false sense of attachment. And, apart from the ego, this is one of the biggest hurdles on the spiritual path.

Anahata and Agya Chakra

Only after the Anhata Chakra opens, the Agya Chakra, the center of mental energy and power of thought can develop to its full potential. At the level of the Anahata Chakra we understand and forgive all. All thoughts, feelings, words and actions should be filtered through the Anahata Chakra and enlightened by Bhakti (love and devotion) and Gyana (wisdom). Gyana is unable to feel anything without Bhakti, and Bhakti is blind without Gyana.

Where love and knowledge join forces there is completeness. Understanding and kindness leads us directly to God. Anahata Chakra is the door through which we are able to reach the Sahasrāra Chakra, where knowledge of our true Self is revealed.

Imbalanced Anahata Chakra

Imbalanced Anahata Chakra sabotages our relationships and career because of mistrust, anger and revenge. You may become too possessive for those you love, feeling a strong need to control and own them, and you fear losing people that you are attached to. Doubts and suspicions cloud your mind and there will be constant struggle between your mind and heart.

When energy does not flow freely in the Anahata Chakra, it can cause fever, allergies, asthma, and heart diseases.

Balancing and energizing the Anahata Chakra

-          The basic mantra is to gradually leave attachments. Slowly start letting go of attachments to the past, feelings of pain, to people, and to outcomes. Accept and experience each moment for what it is, without referencing it to the past or future moments. Remember that no moment can last forever because nothing is permanent. It is foolish to fight this ultimate truth and will only cause you pain.

-          Practice yogasana - cat pose, cobra pose, warrior I pose, and bridge pose.

-          Since the Heart chakra is ruled by air element, practicing pranayama helps to open it.

-          Meditating on the Anahata Chakra.

 For the meditation, CLICK HERE
