Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Heart chakra is the fourth chakra. In Sanskrit, anahata means " unstruck,unhurt, and unbeaten". Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm). Though we are not used to the effect produced by the meeting of two opposite forces, at the level of Anahata, it becomes possible to integrate two opposite forces and obtain the effect, sound in this case, without the forces being confronted. Anahata also means “infinite” and “continuous”. It is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity.

A lotus flower with twelve petals represents Anahata. The intersection of two triangles in the center create a shatkona that represents the union of male (Purusha – the Supreme Being) and female (Prakriti – Nature). ). The deity of this area is Vayu.

Outside the realm of Karma

We know that in Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma. But Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. Here, one can follow one’s heart and make decisions based on one’s higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.

Anahata  is also associated with love, compassion, charity and psychic healing. Meditation on this chakra can bring control on speech, literary ability, Sankalpa Shakti, the power to fulfil desires, and the ability to leave and enter the body at will. To fulfil a desire, concentrate on it in your heart. The purer your Anahata Chakra, the more swiftly the wish will be fulfilled.

Infinite Love

Our love becomes infinite when our heart opens to Divine Love. The extent of the radiance of Anahata Chakra depends upon the depths of our relationships. The boundless nature of Anahata is expressed as ‘a heart as deep as ocean’, ‘to have a big heart’, and ‘to have a place in the heart for everyone’.  

Worldly attachment and dependency are two specific problems encountered in the Anahata Chakra. If we have fulfilled our duties in life and are still unable to release ourselves from the constant worry of family and possessions, this indicates a false sense of attachment. And, apart from the ego, this is one of the biggest hurdles on the spiritual path.

Anahata and Agya Chakra

Only after the Anhata Chakra opens, the Agya Chakra, the center of mental energy and power of thought can develop to its full potential. At the level of the Anahata Chakra we understand and forgive all. All thoughts, feelings, words and actions should be filtered through the Anahata Chakra and enlightened by Bhakti (love and devotion) and Gyana (wisdom). Gyana is unable to feel anything without Bhakti, and Bhakti is blind without Gyana.

Where love and knowledge join forces there is completeness. Understanding and kindness leads us directly to God. Anahata Chakra is the door through which we are able to reach the Sahasrāra Chakra, where knowledge of our true Self is revealed.

Imbalanced Anahata Chakra

Imbalanced Anahata Chakra sabotages our relationships and career because of mistrust, anger and revenge. You may become too possessive for those you love, feeling a strong need to control and own them, and you fear losing people that you are attached to. Doubts and suspicions cloud your mind and there will be constant struggle between your mind and heart.

When energy does not flow freely in the Anahata Chakra, it can cause fever, allergies, asthma, and heart diseases.

Balancing and energizing the Anahata Chakra

-          The basic mantra is to gradually leave attachments. Slowly start letting go of attachments to the past, feelings of pain, to people, and to outcomes. Accept and experience each moment for what it is, without referencing it to the past or future moments. Remember that no moment can last forever because nothing is permanent. It is foolish to fight this ultimate truth and will only cause you pain.

-          Practice yogasana - cat pose, cobra pose, warrior I pose, and bridge pose.

-          Since the Heart chakra is ruled by air element, practicing pranayama helps to open it.

-          Meditating on the Anahata Chakra.

 For the meditation, CLICK HERE






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