Monday, December 14, 2020

Agya (Brow, Third Eye) Chakra


Agya (Brow, or Third Eye) Chakra is the sixth chakra, which is a part of the brain that can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga and other spiritual practice just as a muscle is. Sometimes referred to as the “conscience,” this chakra governs the pineal gland and your vision, intuition, memory, and imagination. 

It signifies the subconscious mind, the direct link to the Brahman. While a person's two eyes see the physical world, the third eye reveals insights about the future. This third eye chakra connects people to their intuition, give them the ability to communicate with the world, or help them receive messages from the past and the future.

Our journey

From earth we came (Muladhara Chakra). We flowed into water from there (Svadhisthana Chakra) and then into the throes of fire (Manipura Chakra). And then, we entered the heart (Anahata Chakra) and onward, we spoke our truths (Visuddha Chakra). Now, we get a different kind of clarity, that which comes from our deepest visions

Agya is described as a transparent lotus flower with two petals, representing the nadis (psychic channels) Ida and Pingala, which meet the central Sushumna nadi before rising to the crown chakra, Sahasrara. The seed syllable of Agya, Om, which is believed to be the basic sound of the world and contains all other sounds. It is considered the supreme sound of the universe. Indigo is the most common chakra color associated with the Third Eye. Additionally, violet, silver and shades of darkest blue/purple may also be used.

Imbalance in the Agya Chakra

The mind can go overdrive when the Third Eye chakra produces an excess of energy, and it causes difficulty to concentrate and, in some cases, can induce hallucinations.

An underactive Third Eye chakra makes one indecisive, procrastinate, or become fearful of the unknown. It can affect the ability to concentrate on, process, and remember information.  Extremely deficient Agya chakra function can hinder the ability to focus, keep a cool head under pressure, or dream and recall dreams.

Restoring balance to Agya Chakra

-          Yogasanas  that help with Third Eye chakra healing and balancing, include child’s pose, shoulder stands, and forward bends.

-          Applying sandalwood on the forehead at the location of the Agya chakra can assist in cleansing and balancing.

-          Healing stones like Amethyst, Moonstone or Quartz that possess the same vibration frequency and chakra color as the Agya chakra help to clear away negativity and restore proper energy flow.

-          Diet, apart from playing a vital role in your overall health, affects the Chakras. Dark blue and purple-colored foods like brinjals, plums, and blue berries can boost Third Eye chakra function. So, think purple to heal and maintain a healthy Ajna chakra.

-          Meditate on the Agya chakra

For meditating on Agya Chakra CLICK HERE





Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra

 The Vishuddhi Chakra is situated in the throat. It is the fifth chakra and the center of physical and spiritual purification. Its name is derived from this function (Visha = impurity, poison Shuddhi = purification). Ether or space (Akasha) is the element associated with this chakra. According to Quantum physics, space is flooded constantly by electromagnetic energy. Akasha means the basis and essence of all things in the material world, it is the first element created. A Lotus with sixteen petals is the symbolic picture of Vishuddhi Chakra.

Functions of Vishuddhi Chakra

Harmful residues are removed from the body on a physical level, and in the mental sphere the thoughts, emotions, consciousness and subconscious are purified and harmonised. This is done by the breath that flows through the throat, and therefore through this Chakra. It purifies and detoxifies the harmful substances that accumulate in the body which primarily come from the food we eat and the air we breathe. This detoxification is brought about by Udana Prana, which has its seat in the throat. Udana Prana enables us to swallow. The food that is broken down by saliva is purified of toxic substances by this Prana and is then passed on to the digestive system. It is important to chew the food thoroughly to facilitate this process.

Blessings from Vishuddhi Chakra

The Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist. A balanced Throat chakra can gift us with clear voice, a talent for speech, singing, and also, calm balanced thoughts. It unleashes abundant feeling of happiness and freedom, allowing our abilities and skills to blossom. When it is open, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning. ‘Vak Siddhi’ may be realised in this centre, which is the extraordinary ability to have the words that one speaks come true.

Signs of blockage

Lack of freedom, restriction, anxiety, thyroid and throat problems can point to blockage here. There may be speech impediments and swallowing problems too. People with blocked Vishuddhi Chakra are often blind to their own mistakes and try to put the blame and responsibility for their unhappiness and misfortune on others. Feeling of guilt is considered the most prominent reason for this chakra to block the Kundalini energy moving upwards.

When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.

To keep this Chakra balanced

-          Yogasanas that help to clear throat chakra are  Plow Pose (Halasana), Shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

-          Conscious guidance and regulation of the breath, called Pranayama, exerts a strong influence on the Vishuddhi Chakra, at both the physical and astral levels.

-          Singing stimulates the throat chakra

-          Meditation upon this chakra is said to bring about various siddhis like vision of the past, present and future; freedom from disease and old age problems; and destruction of dangers.

F    For meditating on Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra, CLICK HERE


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Role of food in spiritual pursuit

 Think for a moment all that you have dreamt of achieving, all that you plan to do, all the relationships you want to enjoy. What is basic necessity to do all these? You need to have a healthy body right? So giving attention and time for the body is of utmost importance. The physical body is made of five elements and it needs to get a constant supply of these five elements for daily maintenance. Here we will concentrate on the earth element, that is, the food you eat.

What is so great about food?

When I look around, I see many people eat just to fill their stomachs. Pick up food from anywhere, eat while walking to the workplace, live on junk food for days together etc., Think about it. The food you put in your mouth is building the future you. It kindles a fire in your stomach for good digestion and then splits itself into the many elements needed to build good healthy cells. If you eat junk food you get junk cells and that can lead to illness.

Food and mind

We don’t realise that the food we eat plays a huge role in our ability to reach that deep meditative state. Our nervous system and brain will not allow us to transcend our body when certain nutrients are not present. On consuming Rajasic food it creates a turbulent mind which leads to racing emotions, blocking calmess and peace in your life.  Small quantities of Rajasic food give you motivation, too much make your mind fly around too much.

The food we eat affect our psychology as the healthy cells go deeper than the physical body. They feed your mind. It is interesting to note that the people who cook for you, who feed you your food, who grow your food, their energy, their vibes, their knowledge, thinking, emotions and care for the quality of the food all go into your dish.

Vegetarian/ Non-vegetarian food

There are always heated arguments on this topic. For the first 23 years of my life I used to have fish for lunch and dinner and once in a while, meat. But it used to be a small piece of fish with rice and vegetables. I am astonished at the huge quantities of non-vegetarian food that people consume! After getting married to a vegetarian and having a pact of ‘not forcing one person to adopt the other’s habit and not cooking non-vegetarian food at home’, gradually I felt happy only with vegetarian food. More than that I could feel the change in my body, it was more calm and at peace. But once in a while I feel my body craving for fish and we go out to have it.

My husband doesn’t have any religious sentiment for not having non-vegetarian food, it just cannot go down his throat. He suffered much in the hostel in Kerala where he was one of the three vegetarians among 100 inmates. Majority of the other vegetarians converted to non- vegetarians.

After I became a Past Life Regression facilitator I got an explanation for this. He must have eaten too much non- vegetarian food in a past life that he decided not to have it at all. So you can see there are so many factors involved. Imagine advising an Eskimo to have only vegetarian food! They survive on sea food for ten months of the year. It is only in the summer season they get to gather a few plant foods such as berries, grasses, tubers, roots, stems, and seaweeds.

Learn to listen to your body

We as humans seem to be so much disconnected from the natural world and where our food comes from.  Animals living in its natural environment don’t become overweight or suffer from a chronic illness as a result of their diet. They just know what to eat as they are in touch with the innate intelligence that drives their food choices, and as a result, they thrive. Unfortunately we have come to a point we no longer intuitively know what is correct for us to eat. This is a strong indication how spiritually disconnected we have become.

When you sit down to eat, have your entire focus on the food. Do not watch television, or have it running in the background while eating. When you take each morsel and put inside the mouth, feel the sensations and tastes that it is creating. Chew it nicely, having a mental attitude of gratitude to the persons involved in cultivating that food, taking it to the shops, and cooking. We are all one and interconnected. Attitude of gratitude helps to bring that feeling inside.

We need to start eating ‘real’ food that comes from a plant, not manufactured in a ‘plant’. Any ready to eat food that comes in a packet should not be taken routinely. Give attention to the Pranic value of food. When you pluck a carrot, it is having the highest Pranic value. This keeps on reducing as it is left outside for two days or kept in the refrigerator for a week. If you buy frozen cut and packed carrots from the store, it is actually dead food.

Try to cook your meals as much as possible. Cooking can be done with an attitude of doing your ‘Sadhana”. You can chant mantras while cooking, which will increase the Pranic value.

Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasic food

See your food in terms of satvik, rajasic and tamasic values. Satvik foods like freshly prepared food, cow’s milk, plant based and raw foods help you in your spiritual pursuits.

Rajasic foods in the pure form, can be fresh and nutritious, but the trouble starts when oil or spices are added, rendering it negatively balanced. Items such as red meat, red lentils, toor lentils, white urad lentils, black gram, chickpeas, spices such as chilies and stimulants such as broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, onion and garlic, tea, coffee, tobacco, soda, alcohol, chocolate, sour apples, pickles and refined sugars all fall in the Rajasic food category. Rajasic food should be consumed only during noon. It is advisable to avoid Rajasic food at dinner as it inhibits digestion.

Rajasic food denotes activity, decision-making, energy that is required for tasks and mental robustness. The foods in this category are stimulating and activate the various functions of the body. Rajasic food energises almost all the systems, specially the nervous system. Their effects on the mind are to help you push yourself beyond your normal capacity and capability.

Tamasic diet constitutes all spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods. Remember, overeating sattvic food too brings on tamas in an individual. Generally, overeating is a tamasic trait. Some of the spices like pepper, asafoetida, chili, and turmeric are high on pranic energy, but they should be consumed in moderate levels. Excess of it can lead to problems and deteriorate digestion. 









Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Anahata (Heart) Chakra

Heart chakra is the fourth chakra. In Sanskrit, anahata means " unstruck,unhurt, and unbeaten". Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound (the sound of the celestial realm). Though we are not used to the effect produced by the meeting of two opposite forces, at the level of Anahata, it becomes possible to integrate two opposite forces and obtain the effect, sound in this case, without the forces being confronted. Anahata also means “infinite” and “continuous”. It is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity.

A lotus flower with twelve petals represents Anahata. The intersection of two triangles in the center create a shatkona that represents the union of male (Purusha – the Supreme Being) and female (Prakriti – Nature). ). The deity of this area is Vayu.

Outside the realm of Karma

We know that in Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma. But Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. Here, one can follow one’s heart and make decisions based on one’s higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.

Anahata  is also associated with love, compassion, charity and psychic healing. Meditation on this chakra can bring control on speech, literary ability, Sankalpa Shakti, the power to fulfil desires, and the ability to leave and enter the body at will. To fulfil a desire, concentrate on it in your heart. The purer your Anahata Chakra, the more swiftly the wish will be fulfilled.

Infinite Love

Our love becomes infinite when our heart opens to Divine Love. The extent of the radiance of Anahata Chakra depends upon the depths of our relationships. The boundless nature of Anahata is expressed as ‘a heart as deep as ocean’, ‘to have a big heart’, and ‘to have a place in the heart for everyone’.  

Worldly attachment and dependency are two specific problems encountered in the Anahata Chakra. If we have fulfilled our duties in life and are still unable to release ourselves from the constant worry of family and possessions, this indicates a false sense of attachment. And, apart from the ego, this is one of the biggest hurdles on the spiritual path.

Anahata and Agya Chakra

Only after the Anhata Chakra opens, the Agya Chakra, the center of mental energy and power of thought can develop to its full potential. At the level of the Anahata Chakra we understand and forgive all. All thoughts, feelings, words and actions should be filtered through the Anahata Chakra and enlightened by Bhakti (love and devotion) and Gyana (wisdom). Gyana is unable to feel anything without Bhakti, and Bhakti is blind without Gyana.

Where love and knowledge join forces there is completeness. Understanding and kindness leads us directly to God. Anahata Chakra is the door through which we are able to reach the Sahasrāra Chakra, where knowledge of our true Self is revealed.

Imbalanced Anahata Chakra

Imbalanced Anahata Chakra sabotages our relationships and career because of mistrust, anger and revenge. You may become too possessive for those you love, feeling a strong need to control and own them, and you fear losing people that you are attached to. Doubts and suspicions cloud your mind and there will be constant struggle between your mind and heart.

When energy does not flow freely in the Anahata Chakra, it can cause fever, allergies, asthma, and heart diseases.

Balancing and energizing the Anahata Chakra

-          The basic mantra is to gradually leave attachments. Slowly start letting go of attachments to the past, feelings of pain, to people, and to outcomes. Accept and experience each moment for what it is, without referencing it to the past or future moments. Remember that no moment can last forever because nothing is permanent. It is foolish to fight this ultimate truth and will only cause you pain.

-          Practice yogasana - cat pose, cobra pose, warrior I pose, and bridge pose.

-          Since the Heart chakra is ruled by air element, practicing pranayama helps to open it.

-          Meditating on the Anahata Chakra.

 For the meditation, CLICK HERE


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra

The Manipura or Solar plexus Chakra is situated three finger widths above the navel. Yellow is the color associated with this chakra. Since  fire is the associated element, it is also known as the Fire or Sun Centre.  The fire element manifests in the body as heat in the Solar Plexus. Being the center of vitality, it controls our energy balance, emotional well-being, maintains our health, and helps us in overcoming many illnesses. Like a magnet, it attracts Prana from the Cosmos.

Many health problems like digestive disorders, circulatory diseases, diabetes and fluctuations in blood pressure can be caused by blockages in this centre. It is considered the maintenance center of the body.

The symbol 

The symbolic picture of the Manipura Chakra is a Lotus with ten petals, which represent the ten Pranas or vital forces, which control and nourish all functions of the human body. It has also a triangle with its tip pointing downward, indicating the spreading of energy, growth and development. 

After we have taken our consciousness through the levels of unconscious and subconscious – the Muladhara Chakra and the Swadhisthana Chakra, it reaches the third level, the Manipūra Chakra. 

Keeping the chakra in balance

     -  To keep the digestive fire balanced, we need to eat healthy, balanced meals. Avoid over  eating and drinking ice cold water.

·         Burn lemon grass fragrance incense and essential oils like saffron, musk, sandalwood, ginger, and cinnamon.

      -   Practice yoga postures with mindful breathing to release tension in the solar plexus, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The warrior poses (Veerabhadrasana) build confidence and align the third chakra. Sun salutations (Surya namaskar) warm up the body and connect with the fiery energy of the sun. Boat pose (Navasana) is another excellent posture for strengthening the abdominal muscles, balancing digestion, and bringing a sense of personal empowerment.

      - Meditate on Manipura chakra

To access guided meditation CLICK HERE 




Monday, October 26, 2020

Mantras and me


It was around the age of ten that I got the Gayatri mantra. I do not remember who taught me that. Being the eldest in the family, it was my duty to light the lamp at dusk every day and sing some prayer songs. About two years later, my scholarly uncle gave me a two line 'mantra' that had the word 'Shakti' on it. At that time I had no idea what Shakti meant. I thought that he had just concocted something and told me it was a mantra. But I was determined to chant it with full devotion and added it to the Gayatri mantra.


From then on I was chanting both of them before doing anything, like when I had to get out of the house to go to school, I would chant them, before starting to take down notes at school/ college or before starting to write the exam, I would hold the pen and chant both mantras, then open the pen and start writing. Same routine before starting to learn lessons or writing home work. In retrospect, I believe this had a great role in my being a bright student and doing well in studies.


About four decades later when I heard the same line with 'Shakti' being chanted  early morning in Tiruvannamalai temple, I got goose bumps! I thanked my stars that I had considered it a mantra and chanted all these years.


Why Mantras?


According to Russill Paul in his book The Yoga of Sound: Tapping the Hidden Power of Music and Chant, mantras are traditionally defined as “sonic formulae that take us beyond, or through, the discursive faculties of the mind and connect our awareness directly and immediately to deep states of energy and consciousness”. In essence, many ancient mantras serve as vehicles for the mind to cross over the material world and into enlightenment.


We use sound to cut through mental clutter, facilitate meditation practice, and create a deeper state of awareness. Mantras have the power to evoke holiness or positivity, and transform the reality of our perception. A Sanskrit mantra stimulates the  84 meridians on the roof of the tongue. Scientific evidence shows that mantras can facilitate the release of secretions that strengthen our immune and neurological systems. “Yogic mantras stimulate the secretions of the pituitary gland, which is located only millimeters from the palate…certain permutations send signals to the command centers of the brain—the hypothalamus, and the pituitary, primarily, and also to the pineal gland. These orchestrate a healing response and send out packets of information in the form of neurotransmitters and chemicals, in the brain and throughout the body,” writes Dharma Sing Khalsa, M.D., an expert in Kundalini yoga and researcher of Alzheimer’s disease. 

Chanting improves one's memory and power of concentration. It leads us to the path of meditation. Meditation requires focus, which is difficult to achieve. But, when you chant with concentration, the mind gets focussed. This is probably why chanting is so good for kids.


Sound has tremendous power.

Many spiritual traditions see sound as a key component of practice and connection to the divine or sacred. The basic symbolism of  'Om', the most important mantra of all, is creation itself. On the physical level, chanting in the prescribed way impacts the abdominal area (from where the chant notes are raised), the lungs, the circulatory system and so on. The mantra sounds create thought-energy waves, and the organism vibrates in tune with the energy and spiritual appeal of a chant. Scientists say that when a mantra is chanted rhythmically, it creates a neuro-linguistic effect, which occurs even if the meaning of the mantra is not known. But knowing the meaning of what you are chanting tunes your mind towards reaching your goal.


Mantras coming my way

It is interesting how so many mantras came my way over the years, sometimes from Gurus, sometimes from instructions in dreams, and many times mantras establishing a connection with me when they come across while reading something or listening. It is said that for one to get the full power from a mantra, each one has to be chanted for a specific number of times, which run in thousands. Since we travel a lot, I get long periods of free time, which I utilise for chanting mantra. And whenever a mantra has been chanted for the specific number of times, I get indication from the Universe. Since it has happened with many mantras that I have been chanting for decades, if I ask someone to chant a specific mantra, it holds some power.


The path…

  • Learn from a Guru, who will teach you how to pronounce the mantra perfectly, and knows which mantra you need.
  • Sit on a rug to conserve body energy.
  • Chant slowly and clearly, sticking to the exact pronunciation and emphasis.
  • Synchronise the chant with the rhythm of your breath.
  • Keep your eyes closed.
  • Breathe deep and slow.
  • Don't hold yourself rigid. Let your muscles relax.
  • Give it time. The effects are slow but sure to come.





Thursday, October 15, 2020

The price for perfectionism and the snail/slug’s message

 I have been a perfectionist from the beginning and suffered the anxiety and stress associated with it for many years. Learning Reiki brought a sea change in my attitude to life. But even now when I start doing something, halfway through I will be thinking of the next task I have to start and this prevents me from putting in my best in the work at hand at the final stages as I am in a hurry to start the next work. This is not something I like and through hypnotherapy, have been trying to eliminate the last traces of this uneasiness.

Rains and the snails/slugs

We used to have rainy season from June to September end. But since three years it is raining really heavy in Belgaum and it is present throughout the year. During rains, our garden will be filled with snails and slugs, the sight of which is not pleasant for me. I will find them in all odd places like the latch of gate, below the plantain leaf etc., When I open the gate or hold the plantain leaf while giving Reiki to the plant, I will get a slimy sensation and on inspection find slug behind the latch and below the leaf.

In the center of the house

This crossed all limits when one day morning when I went into the puja room for my morning meditation at 4 am I saw a small snail inside the container of sandal paste! The puja room is in the center of the house and all our windows and doors are always closed, those that are left open are netted. I freaked out on seeing it and my husband had to remove it. In the commotion I forgot to take a picture. I wondered what route it must have taken and how much time to reach that place.

The significance

Since the snail has taken so much trouble to reach there, I thought let me find out the significance of its visit. The snail may be small and seemingly unimportant, but it has a profound spiritual message. It lets us know that one needs to slow down. It asks, ‘What’s the big hurry? It is time to let go for a moment so that you will be able to see it.”

Its symbolism is letting me know that any pace is a good pace. What seems like forever is just a moment and I must release the beliefs about not getting things done on time. The snail meaning insists that there is no sense in causing any stress and realise that I do have the time for everything. Just stay in the present so that everything gets done, and one needs to always keep moving.

To the ancient Greeks, the slug was considered an ethereal being with healing powers. They represented fertility and fruition of hard work. Being a hermaphroditic animal, it embodies the Divine Masculine AND the Divine Feminine. So it is more of a spiritual being than an earthly being. It signifies the need to be gentle and kind to oneself, also teaches to work quietly but industriously, and to celebrate victories with gratitude and wonder. The slug’s strength and physical abilities are extraordinary, so I will consider that it is encouraging me to be strong and steady in my path.



Monday, October 12, 2020

Swadhisthana (Hara or Sacral) Chakra

 Swadhisthana means where your being is established. ‘Swa’ means self and 'adhisthana' means established. It is associated with pleasure, sense of oneself, relationships, sensuality and procreation. Swadhisthana, the second Chakra manifests desires, boosts creativity and confidence. It can be blocked by guilt and fear, especially fear of death. When this chakra is out of balance, a person may experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions. It is situated three finger widths below the navel.

Its element is water and color is orange. Water is soft and pliable, but also an immense power when out of control. This is just how it is with the Swadhisthana Chakra. When negative emotions arise from the subconscious to the conscious state, we can be completely put off balance. Orange is the colour of the sunrise, which is symbolic of the rising consciousness.  

Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious and emotion. It is closely related to the Muladhara, where the different sanskaras ( potential karmas) lie dormant. Swadhisthana is where these sanskaras find expression.

Methods to balance Swashisthana chakra

Dietary measures:

Coconuts, oranges, melons, other sweet fruits and cinnamon are good for sacral chakra healing.  Drink plenty of water.

Being with and in water:

Since the sacral chakra’s element is water, getting outside and relaxing near open water can help open your second chakra. Lakes, rivers, streams or the ocean are all useful. If possible, wade in or dangle your feet in the water to help the energy flow. Taking a bath or a shower can also contribute to balancing your chakra while providing the relaxation needed to keep your emotions flowing.

Be creative.

We create when we find a new solution to an old problem. When we take physical or mental raw materials  and transform them into something new, we are using our creative energy.


Bhujangasana or cobra pose: Lie on your stomach with feet flat on the ground and pubic bone pressed down. Place your hands under your shoulders and slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor.

Baddha konasana ( butterfly pose): In a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together. Let the knees drop to the sides and bring the heels close to your pelvis. Lengthen the torso and bend forward towards the floor.

Process your emotions

Get in touch with your emotions and if there are feelings that you are holding onto, process them in a healthy way

Left nostril breathing

Left nostril (Ida nadi) breathing will help open up this second chakra as it brings forth lunar energy. Close your right nostril with the  thumb of your right hand and inhale and exhale through the left nostril for 8 to 10 breaths.


Meditation with focus on the second chakra brings about refinement in behaviour, longevity and personal magnetism.

Click here for meditation



Thursday, September 24, 2020

Mooladhara Chakra (Root chakra)

The seven chakras in our body represent the core energy centers. Mooladhara chakra is the first of the seven chakras. 

It is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the colour red. Some of its corresponding body areas and organs are the pelvic plexus, the last 3 vertebrae, the anus, large intestine and legs.

The positive attributes of the Mooladhara Chakra are vitality, vigour and growth. The negative qualities are laziness, inertia, self-centredness and domination by one's physical desires. Mooladhara chakra forms the basis, the foundation from which we climb the ladder of the Chakras. It is the starting point for our spiritual development, and it provides us all the nourishment.

Mookladhara holds the Karmas of our past lives and from these arise the happiness or unhappiness experienced in this current life. 

It is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. The energies of the Root Chakra help us to feel grounded and connected to this Earth.  It gives us a place for our life to 'take root' and for the flow of energies to propel us forward on our life journey.

How can we balance the root chakra?

By doing Reiki self healing daily

By seeing red. Imagine the color glowing brightly at the base of the spine, where it is located

By taking a shower

By doing yoga

By dancing

By taking a walk, preferably barefoot on grass

By meditating on the mooladhara chakra

If the energy circulation is not optimum at the root chakra, you may feel nervous, fearful and insecure about your safety. On the physical plane, you may often feel fatigued or become constipated easily.

Root chakra symbol

It is symbolized by a red, four-petaled lotus. The colour red means energy and vitality. It indicates the existence of a strong, dense energy and is connected to the earth. Our existence has its roots in the earth and therefore the EARTH element (Tattva) is assigned to the Mooladhara Chakra.

Mooladhara is said to be the base from which the three main psychic channels or nadis emerge: the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The seed mantra syllable is लं (Laṃ). In the center of the square, below the seed syllable, is a deep red inverted triangle. The tip of the triangle pointing downwards indicates that we are at the beginning of our spiritual development; and the sides that spread upwards and outwards show the direction of the developing consciousness.

The kundalini shakti is said to sleep here, Muladhara is considered the foundation of the "energy body". Yogic systems stress the importance of stabilizing this chakra. Kundalini awakening begins here. It is also known as the seat of the "red bindu," or subtle drop, which rises up to the "white bindu" in the head to unite the feminine and masculine energies, the Shakti and Shiva. It is associated with the element of earth, the sense of smell and the action of excretion.

The presiding deity for the Mooladhara Chakra is Shri Ganesha, the Eternal Child. He is the embodiment of innocence and He guards His Mother Kundalini (Gauri) with great alertness and uncompromising zeal. It is He who informs Kundalini when it is time to awaken and it is His anger which produces the heat in the sympathetic nervous system if any unauthorized person tries to do so. This is the reason why so many seekers have suffered a wide variety of mental and physical ailments, some serious enough to require hospitalization.





Monday, September 21, 2020

Hypnotherapy- A Wonderful Tool


Hypnotherapy uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness to place an individual into a “trance” or altered state of awareness. While it can be used as the first line treatment to help people cope with pain, stress and anxiety, it is also useful for quitting smoking or losing weight. It is especially of value in the current times when a large sized population is gripped in fear from the covid-19 situation and hypnotherapy can be a life saviour for them.


The word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word “hypnos,” which simply means, “sleep.” At the same time it is not totally sleep. There is a common misconception that one will not be conscious of the surrounding in hypnosis. In sleep, one is not aware of things happening around. But in hypnosis, the person will be conscious, he/she will hear the sound of the air conditioner or a car honking outside. The difference is, the subconscious mind is activated by the process, and it is in a receptive and executing mode.

Sometimes, hypnosis feels just like your normal state of consciousness. But if you got your results, in spite of the fact that you felt like in your normal state of consciousness during the session, I would consider the hypnosis to be particularly effective.


Hypnosis is defined as a state of mind, while hypnotherapy is the name of the therapeutic modality in which hypnosis is used. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, which means the therapist is just facilitating the process and nobody can be hypnotised against their will and consent.

The success rate of hypnosis

Hypnosis was found to have a 93 percent success rate in a study analysis from 1970, with fewer sessions needed than both psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Friedmutter opined that  “This led researchers to believe that, for changing habits, thought patterns, and behavior, hypnosis was the most effective method”.

The effects of Hypnotic suggestion or Hypnotherapy can result in a permanent change, to last a lifetime. Up to 98% of people can quit smoking in just one session.

Why does it not work in some cases?

In rare cases hypnotherapy may not work or the effect last. Partly it may depend on the skill of the hypnotherapist, but majorly it is due to the client’s lack of willingness to change.

Major advantage of hypnotherapy

I have been doing past life regression therapy and hypnotherapy from 2008 with many miraculous results. But after the lockdown period, it was impossible to conduct past life therapies. The session takes a minimum of 2 hours and online sessions are not comfortable as it is very difficult to hear clearly what the client says since majority of the clients talk in low volume under trance.

But in hypnotherapy it is not necessary for the client to talk during trance and it takes much shorter time. So I have been doing online hypnotherapy sessions with very good results.

Can the client get stuck in the trance?

Many of my clients have voiced this fear. But it cannot happen. Before starting the online session I tell them clearly, I am taking you into hypnotic state and I will bring you back. But if by chance the net connection gets disrupted and our contact is lost, there is absolutely nothing to worry or fear. Hypnosis is a sleep like state and after a while you will totally come out of this deeply relaxed state.





Monday, June 8, 2020

A gift of red cloth

The visit to Yellapur

During a short trip to Yellapur, we visited  a friend on the way. While leaving their house, the lady of the house gave me haldi kumkum and a red blouse piece. When I held that blouse piece in my hand, I felt that it was trying to give me some message. I couldn’t grasp it then.
The hotel we stayed in was new. 

When I opened the window of our room in the first floor, I saw the BalaTripurasundari temple on one side and Dattatreya temple on the opposite side. 
                                                          BalaTripurasundari temple 
                                                              Dattatreya temple
It was a serene and peaceful place.

Instruction in the dream

Next morning I woke up with a dream giving me instruction to take out that red blouse piece to sit on during my morning chanting. A few months back I had started chanting a particular mantra which needed to be done 108 times daily for six months, sitting on a red cloth. I had stitched a red cover for the cushion I sat on while chanting. This process was taking me deeper and deeper day by day.
So even during the travel, the ritual was made complete. It is amazing when you are in tune with the Universe, how even the small details are taken care of!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Eliminating negative emotions to manifest your true self

In the tough journey through countless births, it is a unique blessing to be born as a human being.  The human birth gives us the exclusive opportunity to pursue the Purusharthas , which are:
1. Dharma (righteousness),
2. Artha (wealth),
3. Kama (desire) and
4. Moksha (salvation).
Even in our brief life span, there is the inbuilt chance to gain access to knowledge of God, experience His infinite greatness, and seek salvation.

We are all immortal souls living and growing in the great school of earthly experience in which we have lived many lives. A great sage once said:  there is one thing God cannot do: God cannot separate Himself from us. We are the undying consciousness and energy flowing through all things. Our energy and God's energy are the same, both coming out of the void. Deep inside we are perfect this very moment, and we have only to discover and live up to this perfection to be whole.
This bountiful creation called the world is meant for us to live positively in it, facing karma and fulfilling dharma.  We can live joyously, without despising or fearing the world. We fulfil our desires, shape our destiny and our souls get matured here. Through our journey, we grow from ignorance into wisdom, from darkness into light and from a consciousness of death to immortality.
The world is a glorious place, a playground for humans, where young souls interrelate with the old; the young experiencing their karma while the old souls hold firmly to their dharma. The young grow; the old know. We have to take care to not become immersed in worldliness but to remain affectionately detached, like a drop of water on a lotus leaf, being in the world but not of it, walking in the rain without getting wet.

As we go about our daily duties, we tend to get stressed, worry about even insignificant things and get angry when our wishes don’t get fulfilled or events don’t progress our way.
About 70% of our physical body is made up of water. Two thirds of this water is located inside our cells and one-third outside our cells. Water is often perceived as God, Goddess, or divine agency in many religions. Water reminds us to dive beneath the surface of our feelings and use intuition for better understanding. Water is a sacred being that holds life on earth; a seed in the soil does not germinate until it receives water, which demonstrates that it is the spirit of water that ignites the production of life. From a spiritual perspective, through the spiritual networks, planet earth is seen as an irregular ball immersed in water. If the sacred gift of earth is life, then water is the custodian of life.
Water is the reconnecting element between our materialistic life and the spiritual world. Water conducts energy and is very transformable. Taking a dip in the ocean or any natural body of water, even getting your feet wet in salt water draws out toxins and the healing negative ions induce serotonin release, alleviate depression, relieve stress, and increase energy.
Today let us take the blessing from water to release three negative emotions that hold back our life.  Let us do this short exercise to remove stress, worry and anger. We will imagine the waves of an ocean. Its water is salty. Salt is a mineral known for its capability to extract and absorb negative energies.

Click here for the healing:


Thursday, April 23, 2020

On the spiritual pathway...

There is a popular misconception that if you are spiritual, nothing bad will ever happen to you. Good or bad are the labels that we put on external occurrences. These can lead to ecstasy, deep sorrow and depression in ordinary people. One with roots in spirituality will not be carried away to both the extremes, that is the difference.
Along the spiritual path lies a lot of self work as we have accumulated vasanas like knots over many incarnations, and they need to be slowly untangled. I started my journey right from childhood and during the lockdown period I thought of hastening the process. Since it was totally stay at home, I thought that I got a golden opportunity to hasten my efforts. I strived to keep my mind on the higher dimensions through the day, to continuously chant mentally, to have virtual discussions with likeminded people and to do multiple meditations.
As I kept going deeper, it was like more and more inner rooms were opening up in the heart realm. Rooms filled with cobwebs, grime, dirt and darkness. The satisfaction derived after each one got cleansed was tremendous. As human beings it is our weakness to look for some validation that we are going in the right direction
After a few days of such practice I asked the Universe for a sign to confirm this while  I was burning the ghee lamp for my deity. Usually after it burns down completely, it looks somewhat like this;

But that day I was surprised and overjoyed to see a different pattern:

I saw the picture of heart, there was darkness in the center, but it was flowing out. Sooner or later a total cleansing and opening up of my heart realm is definitely going to happen. That assurance has made me strengthen my resolution to continue my efforts patiently.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Healing blocked emotions

As we pass through life, many heart wrenching experiences come along, which change our way of looking at life and we form some core beliefs. These core beliefs colour our behaviour and with time, we may forget the emotion that was the basis for this belief. Because that emotion is too painful to experience on a daily basis, for our well being, it is buried deep in the back heart chakra. 
Back heart chakra is situated at the back of the chest in the centre. At the centre of the chest in front of the body is your front heart chakra. This video helps you to remove emotions that are blocked , to bring about a shift in your core beliefs, changing the quality of your life. Enjoy....

Sunday, April 5, 2020

For clarity, calmness, and focus, 6 April 2020

Whatever happens with and around us are solely because of us. We are totally responsible for the good, and the not so good things that happen. If we can have more awareness, calmness and clarity, we can expand our focus and work towards our goal. This short video will help you achieve this.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

It is time to own up (hu)man(s)!

Yesterday I was watching the Mahabharat episode wherein Dhritarashtra was lamenting to his wife Gandhari, “I was born blind because of my mother. She closed her eyes at the time of union with the Rishi. I lost the royal crown due to my blindness.” The wise Gandhari pacified him saying, “It will help us to lead a normal life if we learn to make peace with our destiny.”

Destiny , the result of yesterday’s karma

We are born with our destiny that was formulated from our previous karma. We need to own up the responsibility for our destiny and try to change our future destiny, by changing today’s karma. If you look around, it is interesting to see that nobody wants to own up the responsibility for their karma (actions). “I am suffering because of inner child trauma, because of ancestral trauma, because my partner is narcissistic, because of trauma bonding” are common than, “Oh, I did this mistake, it was a wrong decision on my part. I feel really sorry for that. Now I will take decisions more carefully, consciously, after deep thought.”

Advice from our scriptures

Our sages told, “Whatever happens with and around you, are solely because of you. You exist, so the problems exist.” Then they guide us how to take decisions in life. One need to consider all the possible outcomes of an action, even the worst case scenario. It is foolish to think that, “He is my close friend, I can be a guarantor for him for this huge loan. He will never cheat me” Circumstances may change, for example, the friend’s house may catch fire, destroying all his possessions. He defaults payment and you will be in soup.
So, what is the approach? At the time of agreeing to be a guarantor itself, consider the worst case scenario of you being forced to repay the loan. If it is ok with you, go ahead and do it. And then if it happens like that, there is no need to repent. That is another aspect lacking in many people around, they keep on lamenting on the old decisions taken. We need to do our karma acording to our dharma, like dharma of a father/mother/wife/doctor etc.,

New age spiritualism parallels allopathy

When you compare new age spiritualism to allopathy, it is interesting to see similar approach to problems. Allopathy is always seeking reasons for diseases outside. It never cures ailments, just suppresses symptoms. We should remember that allopathy is irreplaceable in emergency situations. Long term consumption of any allopathy drug is damaging to the body. Every deviation from normal bodily functions is considered as a disease and ‘patients’ are put on lifelong medication. Here you can watch a conscientious doctor in Canada who is curing thousands of people with diabetes by dietary changes. According to him, diabetes is a dietary disorder, not a disease.
Same approach comes from the new age spiritual healing. You keep on undergoing therapy after therapy. Once you finish one therapy, there is another outside cause for your miserable condition that needs therapy. As long as we find another person or outside circumstance the reason for our misery, it is never going to end. It is time we took total responsibility for whatever we suffer and find solutions by taking correct decisions. Remember whatever you come across in life, are totally the fruits of your own actions!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

No time for spiritual pursuit?

There is this Reiki master who periodically requests me to give Reiki healing to her family members. We must have been in contact for about a decade. Recently she asked me to give healing for her father. I told that I will program the healing in such a way that it will pass through her when she is healing him. I have found this practice to be effective. It gives additional advantage that the healer through whom my healing energy passes can feel the surge of energy and they are happy with the healing that their loved one is receiving.

Hectic life

I was shocked to see the response: “Mam, Due to hectic work pressure, I left giving Reiki to others. Let me energize my chakras and recollect all the process.Now you can give him directly.”
A Reiki master, leaving self healing practice and not giving Reiki to her husband and small kids, especially during this lockdown period due to the virus problem  was beyond me. This is even after many miraculous incidents she had experienced with Reiki.

The priorities

This made me think how many people must be having correct  priorities in life. First and foremost should be one’s own health. You can serve others only if you are healthy. Allotting time for self every day is essential. Then comes the duty to the family. You have brought your kids to the world; they need to be taken care of and given proper values of life. The latter cannot be given by anybody else. When my daughter was a small kid, on our return from  visit to a friend who had in-house maid, she innocently asked me, “Will there be difference in the character of that child and the maid’s child as both are brought up by the maid?”
After these two only should come one’s job. If you put it in the first place, there will be great many reasons to regret at the time of leaving this earth.

Spiritual pursuit is the backbone of life

To do all these duties in a totally dedicated and detached way, spiritual practices are of invaluable help. At this moment in time, when people are panicking and in great fear because of the Covid -19, it is those with regular spiritual practice who are at peace. We know that this attitude maintains the immunity.  You can choose whichever path that  suits you and keep working at it. Reiki is a very easy and flexible road to advance in spirituality. It takes you forward from whatever level you are at, at your own pace. I can vouch for it from my own experience and from thousands of people whom I taught Reiki and helped to heal through Reiki. If you have learned Reiki, please don’t stop self healing every day and healing your family. It is a dependable boat to take you across this ocean of life!