Thursday, April 2, 2020

It is time to own up (hu)man(s)!

Yesterday I was watching the Mahabharat episode wherein Dhritarashtra was lamenting to his wife Gandhari, “I was born blind because of my mother. She closed her eyes at the time of union with the Rishi. I lost the royal crown due to my blindness.” The wise Gandhari pacified him saying, “It will help us to lead a normal life if we learn to make peace with our destiny.”

Destiny , the result of yesterday’s karma

We are born with our destiny that was formulated from our previous karma. We need to own up the responsibility for our destiny and try to change our future destiny, by changing today’s karma. If you look around, it is interesting to see that nobody wants to own up the responsibility for their karma (actions). “I am suffering because of inner child trauma, because of ancestral trauma, because my partner is narcissistic, because of trauma bonding” are common than, “Oh, I did this mistake, it was a wrong decision on my part. I feel really sorry for that. Now I will take decisions more carefully, consciously, after deep thought.”

Advice from our scriptures

Our sages told, “Whatever happens with and around you, are solely because of you. You exist, so the problems exist.” Then they guide us how to take decisions in life. One need to consider all the possible outcomes of an action, even the worst case scenario. It is foolish to think that, “He is my close friend, I can be a guarantor for him for this huge loan. He will never cheat me” Circumstances may change, for example, the friend’s house may catch fire, destroying all his possessions. He defaults payment and you will be in soup.
So, what is the approach? At the time of agreeing to be a guarantor itself, consider the worst case scenario of you being forced to repay the loan. If it is ok with you, go ahead and do it. And then if it happens like that, there is no need to repent. That is another aspect lacking in many people around, they keep on lamenting on the old decisions taken. We need to do our karma acording to our dharma, like dharma of a father/mother/wife/doctor etc.,

New age spiritualism parallels allopathy

When you compare new age spiritualism to allopathy, it is interesting to see similar approach to problems. Allopathy is always seeking reasons for diseases outside. It never cures ailments, just suppresses symptoms. We should remember that allopathy is irreplaceable in emergency situations. Long term consumption of any allopathy drug is damaging to the body. Every deviation from normal bodily functions is considered as a disease and ‘patients’ are put on lifelong medication. Here you can watch a conscientious doctor in Canada who is curing thousands of people with diabetes by dietary changes. According to him, diabetes is a dietary disorder, not a disease.
Same approach comes from the new age spiritual healing. You keep on undergoing therapy after therapy. Once you finish one therapy, there is another outside cause for your miserable condition that needs therapy. As long as we find another person or outside circumstance the reason for our misery, it is never going to end. It is time we took total responsibility for whatever we suffer and find solutions by taking correct decisions. Remember whatever you come across in life, are totally the fruits of your own actions!

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