Thursday, October 15, 2020

The price for perfectionism and the snail/slug’s message

 I have been a perfectionist from the beginning and suffered the anxiety and stress associated with it for many years. Learning Reiki brought a sea change in my attitude to life. But even now when I start doing something, halfway through I will be thinking of the next task I have to start and this prevents me from putting in my best in the work at hand at the final stages as I am in a hurry to start the next work. This is not something I like and through hypnotherapy, have been trying to eliminate the last traces of this uneasiness.

Rains and the snails/slugs

We used to have rainy season from June to September end. But since three years it is raining really heavy in Belgaum and it is present throughout the year. During rains, our garden will be filled with snails and slugs, the sight of which is not pleasant for me. I will find them in all odd places like the latch of gate, below the plantain leaf etc., When I open the gate or hold the plantain leaf while giving Reiki to the plant, I will get a slimy sensation and on inspection find slug behind the latch and below the leaf.

In the center of the house

This crossed all limits when one day morning when I went into the puja room for my morning meditation at 4 am I saw a small snail inside the container of sandal paste! The puja room is in the center of the house and all our windows and doors are always closed, those that are left open are netted. I freaked out on seeing it and my husband had to remove it. In the commotion I forgot to take a picture. I wondered what route it must have taken and how much time to reach that place.

The significance

Since the snail has taken so much trouble to reach there, I thought let me find out the significance of its visit. The snail may be small and seemingly unimportant, but it has a profound spiritual message. It lets us know that one needs to slow down. It asks, ‘What’s the big hurry? It is time to let go for a moment so that you will be able to see it.”

Its symbolism is letting me know that any pace is a good pace. What seems like forever is just a moment and I must release the beliefs about not getting things done on time. The snail meaning insists that there is no sense in causing any stress and realise that I do have the time for everything. Just stay in the present so that everything gets done, and one needs to always keep moving.

To the ancient Greeks, the slug was considered an ethereal being with healing powers. They represented fertility and fruition of hard work. Being a hermaphroditic animal, it embodies the Divine Masculine AND the Divine Feminine. So it is more of a spiritual being than an earthly being. It signifies the need to be gentle and kind to oneself, also teaches to work quietly but industriously, and to celebrate victories with gratitude and wonder. The slug’s strength and physical abilities are extraordinary, so I will consider that it is encouraging me to be strong and steady in my path.



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