Monday, September 12, 2011

Power of intuition

God endowed me with intuitive powers right from the beginning of this life. I could look at a person and get a lot of information. My friends, who are completely logic, would ask me, ‘What makes you say so?’ I never could give the reasoning. Intuitions have no logic; they are just messages being dropped into one’s subconscious mind. They just blink and if one doesn’t catch at the time, it is gone.

It is impossible to make a logical person believe in the power or existence of intuitions. Because they have not experienced it. I learned the hard way that it is a waste of time to try to make them understand. After becoming a Reiki channel, all the blessings I had, increased in intensity.

As one traverses the path of spirituality, he/she will be blessed with many siddhis. There was a time when I could know the actual intentions of people during conversations. When some one is doing sweet talking and you are aware of his intention to harm you, it is very difficult to behave normally. Since I was aware that clinging on to any siddhi would be a hindrance to one’s path, I could go beyond that stage.

Once we were staying with a babaji and during meditation, I saw his guru’s feet clearly and got a message from him for the babaji. On another occasion, I was trying to locate the guru in the place where I was staying. He gave me the message, ‘I am not here now. Go to the place, the name of which contains the letters M, L & T, where I have spent many years.’ In the morning when I asked babaji whether the guru had spent many years in such a place, he told me the name of the place that contained all three letters and told that guruji spent about 15 years meditating there. He took us to the place and what vibration was prevailing in that small Devi temple where the guru used to meditate!

Anything that one gets through the divine blessing is to help others and should not be used entirely for the worldly or materialistic upliftment of the self and relatives. This is a point that many don’t understand. When they approach some body for help and see that the person himself is having some problem, they think, ‘He can’t solve his own problem, how is he going to help us?’ Well, the loss is theirs.

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