Monday, October 28, 2019

Mind to mind, Heart to heart

When you are in tune with nature and work from your heart, there’s a huge burning flame in your heart space which lights up the heart spaces of those coming in contact with you. As there is a general awakening happening in the present times, the inner opening happens in a large number of people. Sometimes they haven’t done enough inner work or they are influenced by a less than optimal surrounding (place or people). Then the mind comes into play when they transmit this knowledge to others.

Enriching others

In both cases, people who come in contact with them do benefit. In the first case, it is like a flame burning a lot of unwanted energies inside you and lighting up the Divine corners that were overshadowed so far.
In the second instance, the person working through the mind is like putting some food into those who are hungry and have approached with open mouths. It really does satiate their hunger for the time being, but no permanent transformation can happen.

Listen through your heart

When you are absorbing energies from a Guru/teacher, try to feel from your heart, is it coming from his/her heart space, or is it colored by their mind?
If you are a mind centered person, you will be impressed and you will benefit as it forms part of your journey. For a heart centered person, it can prove a regressive step.

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