Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The missing ear rings

I was staying with my friend on a short vacation. She told that she lost her ruby ear rings some time back. Since there were many helpers in the house she wanted to know whether they had been stolen.

I didn’t get any feeling at all that some body had stolen them. I told her it was in the house only. She told that they had done thorough search twice before. But I was getting a definite feeling that they were in the house.

I came back home and whenever she used to call me up, she asked me again and again about the missing ear rings and my answer remained the same. About six months later, she called me up, she was very excited. She told that they were cleaning the carpet in the room and found the ear rings.

I have found in many instances that even though I get the feeling of the presence of lost things, when they would find them remains in the hands of the Almighty. Some things just can’t be speeded up.

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