Friday, July 15, 2022

Rain In Goa And My Intense Sadhana

 When we planned a short trip to Goa from July 5th, I had absolutely no idea that it was going to be a landmark journey of my life. On hindsight, I can see that I was given a notice on July 1st when during my meditation I felt intense vibrations that was an experience of its own kind!

Starting with Shiv aradhana

Decades back I started worshipping Lord Shiva, doing milk and water abhishek on Mondays, and chanting His mantras regularly. Gradually I started getting directed to include Devi worship, with making lemon diyas, kumkum abhishek, lighting ghee lamps, and doing agnihotra.

Shiv Shakti

Then a shift happened in May 2022 . Only in retrospect I know that the shift happened then. On July 1st it became clear that I am getting blessings of Shiva and Shakti in equal measures. 

So the sadhana also changed and it went in an intense manner in Goa.

Heavy rains forcing us indoors

All five days in Goa we had very heavy rains that kept us indoors most of the time. One day morning it was clear, giving us just enough time to go to the beach and wet our feet in the sea. So it was intense sadhana as directed by the Higher forces and I was totally in another dimension!

Eye gazing meditation

Suddenly it struck me that I could coax my husband to do eye gazing meditation with me. I have done it with my daughters and loved the experience.

It is a deeply connecting and transformative Buddhist meditative practice, a soul-connecting meditation to feel whole. One feels more connected to the other person, as if there was no separation between you, only union and harmony. One will also realise that the other is nothing else but a mirror that reflects your own inherent creativity, resourcefulness, and wholeness. Finally, as your ego lets go of its defence, you will experience what it is like to surrender to something greater than yourself, something divine and sacred.

So we sat down for this meditation and he started giggling. When you do for the first time, it is a common occurrence. I experienced it while doing with my daughter for the first time, so I told him not to worry; it would go off after some time. And so it happened and we had a good experience. I had set the alarm to know when to finish, and both of us felt that we had done only half of the time set.

Five days of Bliss

And then it went as directed by the Universe and both of us were totally recharged!


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