Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Podcast- Unit 6- Developing 'Prasaada Buddhi'

To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE

When we go a place of worship, we receive ‘Prasaada’ which is some food, fruit or any other eatable that has been first offered to the presiding Deity. And we accept it with total devotion and gratitude.

We can define ‘Prasaada Buddhi’ as an attitude of gratitude because the word ‘Buddhi’ in this context means gratitude. Attitude of gratitude for everything we receive in life, every experience that comes our way, whether it is according to our liking or not. With this attitude, everything is treated as a gift, without claiming ownership of anything.

When we identify totally with our physical body and are bound by strong attachments, our Ego controls us and it will be difficult to have a strong ‘Prasaada Buddhi’. In such a case, when things don’t go according to our liking, frustration sets in. This feeling soon turns into anger directed towards ourselves and also towards the Universe that we are a part of.  This will make us appear unattractive and repulsive to others.

We need to realise that each and every moment of life itself is a Divine gift. This is easy when we remember that the vital body functions are not under our control at all and that life continues on its own. We have to be aware that anything can happen any time and that it is nothing else but Divine Grace that is protecting us all through the day and also through the night when we are sleeping.

To start practicing Prasaada Buddhi, begin from being thankful for your physical body. Check whether it is gratitude that fills your mind when you look at the mirror every morning.  If you are finding shortcomings of your body and feeling remorse, you have a lot of practice to do.

Secondly, check whether you are routinely saying things like “I am tired of my life”, “I can’t take it any more”, “I want to run away from this situation” etc., these are expressions of Ego. And then the question “Why me?” is a case of extreme Ego because that person considers himself or herself to be far more superior or more deserving than the others.

So let us start having the Prasaada Buddhi or attitude of gratitude in our life. Let us just do our karma and accept everything that comes our way gratefully and graciously. 


  1. Very informative , thanks mam for explaining Prasada Buddhi in detail. From today will follow the attitude of gratitude and always be thankful for God for all that he has given us and made us capable of . Thanks again for always Guiding us to the right path.
