Sunday, April 7, 2013

Calling of the parad Shivling

After spending three amazing days at Rameshwaram, we finished the final puja on the third day. On the walk back to the hotel, our friends wanted to check on the possibility of getting some tea. I was standing in front of a shop and on an idle glance, I felt a strong pull towards the tiny shivlings kept on display. They were silver colored, but somehow didn’t feel they were made of silver. I felt like buying one, but my husband was not with me at the time and I was not carrying any money. So I left it at that.

Later during the night, we were planning to go to our rooms after dinner. Suddenly I felt the tiny Shivling calling me. “Let’s walk to a shop, I want to show you something”, I told my husband and we reached the shop. It turned out that the shop keeper was from the same place as my husband and they struck an animated conversation.

The shop keeper told that those Shivlings were made of solidified mercury and only a select few know the process of purifying and solidifying mercury. He gave me the procedures to be followed before keeping a parad Shivling at home. I bought one and later searched the net for details on parad Shivling. The mercury is a liquid with mobility, it represents the mind which is always moving. Worshipping a shivling made of solidified mercury, one can gradually stabilize the mind.  Only those who have burned the sins of past lives are destined to own a parad Shivling. And it is supposed to have many amazing Godly properties!

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