Sunday, July 28, 2024

Unlock Insights To Discover Answers from Your Inner Self

 In this vast universe, answers and solutions exist in an ethereal realm, appearing even before the questions and problems arise. As microcosms of the macrocosm, we have the potential to access these answers. However, not everyone can easily tap into this cosmic knowledge. After decades of spiritual practice and assisting others in their healing journeys, I came across this method to help people uncover the answers they seek.

The Process

At the appointed time, the client sits facing me with their eyes closed, mentally repeating a well-formulated question three times. Then, they open their eyes and gaze steadily into mine, without averting their gaze. Blinking is allowed. We maintain eye contact for up to seven minutes, with a timer set for this duration. Often, clients receive their answers within three to four minutes, sometimes even within a minute. When they have the answer, they raise their hand to signal that we can stop. I never ask about the question or the answer but request feedback when their answer is validated later.

How the Answer Appears

Clients experience their answers in various ways. One client saw a number and then continuously heard it like an alarm. Others might have the answer suddenly drop into their mind, it can come like a thought, see it written on a book page or a large board, or hear it as a whisper or bold statement.

Can I ask more questions?

A client inquired during a 10-minute appointment. Our session included seven minutes of gazing. I told her that if she received an answer to her first question within two or three minutes, she could ask a second question without averting her gaze. Remarkably, she received answers for two questions!

Can Everyone Receive the Answer?

Not everyone can access the answers. A certain level of ‘letting go’ is essential. If the conscious mind is too dominant, it obstructs the flow of the answer. Some might refuse to believe the answer they receive, dismissing it as mere imagination. The technique also requires maintaining steady eye contact. If the gaze is averted or the eyes are not fully open, the process fails. This recently occurred with a client whose partially closed eyes prevented her from receiving the answer.

An Amazing Experience

One of my earliest clients sought to find a misplaced item. During our session, she received a direction to check a specific place. After the session, she followed the direction and found the item, experiencing immense happiness and validation.

Through this process, I guide individuals to access profound insights, tapping into the deeper realms of their consciousness to find the answers they seek.

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