Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ganesh Chaturthi and Lord Ganesha’s Eyes

This year, Ganesh Chaturthi was on September 7th, 2024. As part of my daily routine, I usually wake up before Brahma Muhurta to begin my spiritual practices. That morning, I woke up at 2:14 a.m., checked the time, and realized I could sleep a little longer. I drifted into such a deep sleep that I didn’t even hear my alarm. My husband later told me that I had turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep. He noticed how deeply I was resting and decided not to wake me. At 5:45 a.m., he finally woke me, and I was amazed at how deeply I had slept.

An Eye on the Leaf?

Later, while walking through the garden to gather flowers for puja, I noticed our baby bay leaf plant, which had just sprouted new leaves. To my astonishment, one of the leaf veins resembled the third eye of Lord Shiva. 

Having studied botany, I know how leaf veins typically look, especially on a bay leaf, so this sight was truly surprising. As I pulled aside another leaf that was blocking my view, I noticed there were two eyes, not just one. 

I turned to my husband and said, "Look! Lord Ganesha is blessing us with his gaze."

Ganesh Puja in Spirit

Later that morning, while speaking to my daughter, she reminded me that there had been a Ganesh puja at their home starting at 5:15 a.m. She had mentioned it earlier, but I had completely forgotten. Hearing this gave me goosebumps—this explained my deep sleep! In spirit, I had been present for the puja, enveloped in Lord Ganesha's blessings.

The eyes in the garden were more than a coincidence—they were Lord Ganesha's way of reminding me that his presence, both in spirit and in the world around us, is always watching over.



Monday, August 26, 2024

A Transformative Realization On The Spiritual Connection Between Body and Food


On the final day of our meditation retreat, we were invited to share our feedback. I expressed my gratitude to Swamini Vimalananda for providing such a profound experience. I mentioned that, after every spiritual course, I usually find myself ascending to a higher plane, eagerly anticipating what the next level of consciousness will bring.

A Day Before Janmashtami

That next level arrived yesterday, on August 25, 2024. I had prepared a special Sunday lunch of pav bhaji, and after we finished, I told my husband that my body was craving some curd, so I had a little. As I ate, I suddenly realized that it wasn’t my body that was craving the curd; it was the good bacteria in my gut, needing the curd to balance out the spices in the bhaji. In that moment, I entered a different realm of awareness.

I could no longer perceive my physical body in the way I had always understood it. We all know, at least theoretically, that the human body contains trillions of microorganisms, outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. In terms of cell count, human cells make up only 43% of the body, while the rest are microscopic colonists. Although these microorganisms constitute only 1 to 3 percent of the body’s mass due to their small size, they play an essential role in our health. 

This realization, which came from deep within, has forever changed my life and my understanding of my own body. It will never be the same again.

The Transformative Realization

My relationship with food has always been unique. From childhood, I’ve viewed eating as a divine act and cooking as a form of spiritual practice. This meditation retreat has given me an invaluable gift, and my heart overflows with gratitude for the experience.




Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Departed Soul's Journey: A Tale of Intuition and Understanding


Recently, someone whom I held very close to my heart, with great love and respect, passed away. To my surprise, none of her family members informed us of her passing. Sometimes, people harbor feelings that affect their future interactions, and this may have been the case here. However, we learned of her passing from someone else. I began praying for the smooth onward journey of her soul and did whatever rituals I was guided to do. 

The Soul Has Left

On the third day after her death, I mentioned to my husband that her soul had already departed and was in the next stage of its journey, accompanied by the Elders. My husband was surprised, saying, "How is that possible? The soul is supposed to remain near the place of death for 13 days before it moves on. That’s what we believe." 

I responded, "I understand that, but in her case, she has already left." 

Reaching Out 

About ten days later, her son called me. I had assisted their family many times in the past with my intuitive abilities. He wanted to know if the soul was at peace, if it was in distress, or if there were any plans for rebirth. I reassured him that the soul was happy and had left the place on the third day after her passing. He was shocked because, contrary to the usual 13-day mourning period, all the rituals had been completed in just three days. This explained why I felt her departure so strongly, even though I had no prior knowledge of their decision.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Unlock Insights To Discover Answers from Your Inner Self

 In this vast universe, answers and solutions exist in an ethereal realm, appearing even before the questions and problems arise. As microcosms of the macrocosm, we have the potential to access these answers. However, not everyone can easily tap into this cosmic knowledge. After decades of spiritual practice and assisting others in their healing journeys, I came across this method to help people uncover the answers they seek.

The Process

At the appointed time, the client sits facing me with their eyes closed, mentally repeating a well-formulated question three times. Then, they open their eyes and gaze steadily into mine, without averting their gaze. Blinking is allowed. We maintain eye contact for up to seven minutes, with a timer set for this duration. Often, clients receive their answers within three to four minutes, sometimes even within a minute. When they have the answer, they raise their hand to signal that we can stop. I never ask about the question or the answer but request feedback when their answer is validated later.

How the Answer Appears

Clients experience their answers in various ways. One client saw a number and then continuously heard it like an alarm. Others might have the answer suddenly drop into their mind, it can come like a thought, see it written on a book page or a large board, or hear it as a whisper or bold statement.

Can I ask more questions?

A client inquired during a 10-minute appointment. Our session included seven minutes of gazing. I told her that if she received an answer to her first question within two or three minutes, she could ask a second question without averting her gaze. Remarkably, she received answers for two questions!

Can Everyone Receive the Answer?

Not everyone can access the answers. A certain level of ‘letting go’ is essential. If the conscious mind is too dominant, it obstructs the flow of the answer. Some might refuse to believe the answer they receive, dismissing it as mere imagination. The technique also requires maintaining steady eye contact. If the gaze is averted or the eyes are not fully open, the process fails. This recently occurred with a client whose partially closed eyes prevented her from receiving the answer.

An Amazing Experience

One of my earliest clients sought to find a misplaced item. During our session, she received a direction to check a specific place. After the session, she followed the direction and found the item, experiencing immense happiness and validation.

Through this process, I guide individuals to access profound insights, tapping into the deeper realms of their consciousness to find the answers they seek.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Interconnectedness of the Universe and the Importance of Our Actions


The idea that "the whole Universe is one" reflects a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. This concept has been recognized for millennia by Indian sages through phrases like "Aham Brahmasmi" (I am Brahman) and "Tat Tvam Asi" (You are That). These expressions underscore the unity of the individual with the ultimate reality. Let's explore these ideas further and understand why they emphasize the importance of our actions.

The Unity of the Microcosm and Macrocosm

The notion that the microcosm (the small, individual parts of existence) is a reflection of the macrocosm (the large, universal whole) suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected. Just as each leaf is a part of a tree, and each tree a part of a forest, every individual is part of the larger universe. This interconnectedness means that every action, no matter how small, has an impact on the whole. For instance, when you tear a leaf, it affects not just the leaf but the entire tree and potentially the ecosystem it belongs to.

The Nature of Existence and Death

According to this philosophy, death does not mark the end of our existence. Our physical bodies, composed of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), return to these elements upon death. However, our essence or spirit continues. This idea aligns with the concept of reincarnation, where the soul experiences multiple lifetimes.

Karma and Its Implications

Karma, a fundamental principle in many Eastern philosophies, states that our actions have consequences that follow us through our lives and beyond. Good actions lead to positive outcomes, while harmful actions bring about negative results. This cycle of cause and effect is not limited to a single lifetime but spans across multiple incarnations. Therefore, it is crucial to consider our actions carefully. Every thought, word, and deed sets off a chain of events that influences our future.

The Importance of Mindful Actions

Understanding that our actions have far-reaching consequences, it becomes essential to act mindfully. The awareness that we are part of a larger whole and that our actions affect the entire universe encourages us to cultivate positive behavior. This mindfulness fosters compassion, empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards others and the environment.


The ancient wisdom encapsulated in phrases like "Aham Brahmasmi" and "Tat Tvam Asi" teaches us about the profound unity of all existence. Recognizing that we are all interconnected, that our actions reverberate through the universe, and that our essence transcends physical death, we are urged to live mindfully and ethically. By understanding and embracing these principles, we contribute to a harmonious and balanced existence, both for ourselves and for the universe as a whole.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Embracing Responsibility To Restore Life’s Harmony

Life unfolds in mysterious ways, and the events we encounter are often the outcomes of our past actions. The interplay between cause and effect forms the essence of our existence. Whether you believe in karma, divine intervention, or universal laws, there are different ways to interpret the sequence of events that shape our existence. Let’s explore three perspectives on how life’s sequelae come into play:

1. The Blueprint of Incarnation

Since I have been a Past Life Regression (PLR) Theapist for very long, I can say this with some authority. Before we embark on our earthly journey, we participate in crafting a rough blueprint for our life. Imagine it as a cosmic design—a roadmap that outlines the major milestones, challenges, and opportunities we will encounter. This blueprint is not etched in stone; rather, it provides a framework for our experiences.

When we take physical form, we step onto the stage of life with this blueprint in hand. Our choices, actions, and interactions align with this preconceived plan. Every decision we make contributes to the unfolding story of our existence. Whether we realize it or not, we are co-authors of our destiny. Embracing this perspective allows us to acknowledge the interconnectedness of our past, present, and future, and the profound influence of our predestined path.

2. Action and Reaction: The Universal Balance

The principle of cause and effect governs the universe. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Just as planets follow their prescribed orbits, our actions set off a chain of consequences. Whether we plant seeds of kindness or sow discord, the universe responds accordingly.

Imagine a cosmic ledger where our deeds are recorded. Positive actions accumulate goodwill, while negative actions create debts. The balance sheet of life reflects our karmic account. When we encounter challenges or blessings, they are the echoes of our past choices. The universe maintains equilibrium, ensuring that justice prevails—though we don’t always perceive it.

3. Divine Justice: Surrendering to Higher Guidance

For those who believe in a higher power, the concept of divine justice offers solace and guidance. It is believed that a benevolent force oversees the intricate tapestry of our lives, bestowing rewards or consequences based on our actions. In this paradigm, acceptance and surrender become pillars of spiritual growth, as we trust in the wisdom of divine providence. By embracing accountability and seeking redemption, we open ourselves to the transformative power of grace and mercy.

Yet, personal responsibility remains crucial. When adversity knocks on our door, we can choose our response. Instead of blaming external forces, we can ask, “How did I contribute to this situation?” Acceptance becomes the first step—a powerful acknowledgment that we co-created our reality. From this point, we can seek solutions, learn, and evolve.

Embracing the Journey

Regardless of our perspective—whether we see life as a blueprint, a cosmic balance, or a divine play—the key lies in acceptance. Acceptance serves as the gateway to inner peace and harmony. When challenges arise, we can pause and say, “I brought this into my life. How can I navigate it with grace?” The universe responds to our intention. It conspires to bring the necessary tools, insights, and opportunities to restore peace and harmony within us.

By acknowledging our role in shaping our reality, we reclaim responsibility for our experiences. Instead of succumbing to victimhood or resentment, we empower ourselves to initiate positive change and navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace.

So, dear traveller, embrace the journey. Trust that the sequelae of your actions hold valuable lessons. As we embark on the quest for inner peace and harmony, let us remember that the universe conspires in our favour, guiding us towards fulfilment and enlightenment. The universe whispers, “You are never alone.”  

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Coping With Sudden Loss: A Journey Out Of Depression


The Tragic Loss

Last year, our close friend, in his forties, endured a profound tragedy when his beloved wife passed away unexpectedly. It was a normal afternoon; they had just finished lunch together as a family. Little did they know, it would be their last meal together

After lunch, she proceeded to the kitchen to tidy up, leaving behind her husband and teenage children. In a matter of moments, the mundane act of clearing plates turned into a heartbreaking scene. She collapsed suddenly, never to rise again. The suddenness of her passing left her husband and children in a state of shock and disbelief.

The Devastation of Loss

Their relationship had been one of love and companionship, a bond that seemed unbreakable. Her husband, understandably, was devastated by the sudden and inexplicable loss. The pain of her absence permeated every aspect of his life, casting a dark shadow over his days.

As a spiritual/Reiki healer I knew that if he learnt Reiki and did daily self-healing, he could slowly come out of the dark cloud of depression engulfing him. But he was in no mental condition to even do that. The fact that people around expected him to be in deep grief added to the situation

The Struggle to Heal

Despite our efforts, his progress towards healing was slow and arduous. The weight of his grief seemed insurmountable, dragging him deeper into despair with each passing day. It was a painful sight to witness someone we cared for so deeply, grappling with the overwhelming burden of loss.

Breakthrough with HRA Therapy

Then I got trained in Hidden Resource Activation (HRA) therapy. HRA is an innovative approach to healing that delves into the depths of one's subconscious mind to unearth unresolved issues and traumas. Intrigued by its potential, our friend decided to give it a try, desperate for any glimmer of hope.

The Transformation

To our amazement and relief, the HRA session proved to be a turning point in his healing journey. Through introspection and guided therapy, he confronted his deepest fears and pain, gradually releasing the emotional shackles that bound him. It was a cathartic experience, one that liberated him from the suffocating grip of grief.

A Glimpse of Light

The following day, a remarkable transformation occurred. Instead of drowning in sorrow, we heard him laugh—an echo of joy amidst the darkness of loss. It was a poignant reminder that healing is indeed possible, even in the wake of profound tragedy.

I was happy and relieved for another aspect too. His grieving for his wife was hindering her soul’s onward journey. I know this too well because I am a Past Life Regression Therapist.

The sudden loss of a loved one can shatter our world, leaving behind a trail of grief and despair. Yet, amidst the darkness, there exists a glimmer of hope—a beacon of light that guides us through the darkest of nights. Through spiritual healing and transformative therapies like HRA, we can navigate the complexities of loss, finding solace, and healing along the way. As our friend's journey demonstrates, even in the depths of despair, there is always the possibility of renewal, of laughter, and of life beyond the pain.