Thursday, December 16, 2021

Podcast -Unit-8, Are readymade husbands available?


Before deciding to spend the rest of your life with that “special person”, please look deeply and study the relationship dynamics happening in other married couples’ lives. Listen to this podcast to get an idea.

CLICK  HERE to listen to the podcast

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Podast - Unit 7, On Stress Free Living

To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE

 Recently I conducted a session on "A Simple Formula For Stress Free Living". I used the metaphor of a tree to illustrate the principles of stress free living - FU ZE ZA AASA- Faith Unlimited, Zero Expectation, Zero Attachment, Acceptance, Acknowledgement, Surrender and Action. 

There was an interesting question after the session, “Madam, this is easy for a tree as it has hundreds of leaves and many buds/flowers. But for a human being with a single child, it is difficult to incorporate these principles.”

Well, I started the session with the statement that challenges/problems happen in the external world, on which we have no control. Stress is created in the internal environment by us. This destroys the inner peace and tranquillity. And challenges will be there in everyone’s life. Having a single child is the challenge for many couples in the present times. Would you allow that challenge to destroy your inner peace and the future of the child, or you will adopt these principles and celebrate your life? The choice is yours!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Dentistry, Reiki, and Spirituality

 My experience over decades forces me to search for a deep relationship between dentistry and spirituality. I was a well-established dental teacher and practitioner when I learned Reiki. Once I became a Reiki master, I was attuning people from all walks of life, and my junior dentists were eager to learn too.

Choosing a new path

Though I never dreamt of getting deep into Reiki, I was sort of pulled into it by life events. And so it was with some other dentists who learned Reiki from me. From incorporating Reiki healing practice along with their dental practice, to leaving dentistry and becoming a dedicated Reiki practitioner, I have a range of examples.

Women and sixth sense

I trained practicing dentists in a short course, to do better root canal treatment, in Belgaum at my center. Dentists from big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and from many international cities came to learn from me. My first question to them used to be, “Why did you choose to come here to learn when there are famous dental trainers in/near your place?”

And the answer was fascinating, “When I saw your face on the web site, I felt a connection with you, and knew that I have to come to you for the training”. This response I got from majority of female dentists, and may be one or two male dentists.

I don’t know whether it is because ladies are more in touch with their innerselves, or they are more forthcoming in sharing than males.

Always forthcoming with explanation

The beauty of Reiki is it helps one to grow and brings whatever is needed for the growth. Over the years I learned many other healing techniques. Being sensitive and intuitive, I could feel the difference between various healing techniques, and used to look for confirmation from somebody else. I would give Reiki healing and the new technique to this junior dentist who was with me, and she would give me a crisp explanation, which confirmed my finding. 

Also, many dentists narrate beautiful spiritual experiences during their attunements and healings.

Dentistry vs Spirituality

These examples force me to speculate a deep connection between dentistry and spirituality. Whether dentistry helps spiritual growth or spiritually oriented people choose dentistry as a profession, will be interesting to ponder over!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Through a messenger, from Kalbhairav

One of the fierce manifestations of Lord Shiva associated with annihilation is Kalbhairav. Born from Lord Shiva's toenail, he has a significant role in punishing Lord Brahma. Kalbhairav Jayanti, also known as Kalashtami, is observed on Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha in the Hindu month of Margashirsha or Kartik. This year, it was observed yesterday, on November 27, 2021.

Chanting mantra for Kalbhairav

Some years back, I included a Kalbhairav mantra to my daily chanting list. I had an amazing experience at the Kalbhairav temple in Shringeri when I finished my 108 chanting. About two weeks back I thought that I would reduce the number of chants for Kalbhairav and Shakti to 54 from 108. In two days time I felt strong objection to this practice and I reverted back to 108 chanting immediately.

The message

On Kalbhairav jayanti day, I got a message from a friend, who is a Reiki channel.

I wrote to her that it was Kalbhairav jayanti and I have been chanting His mantra for some years now. So His presence must be exalted and it led to her dream, and thanked her for being the messenger.

It never ceases to amaze me how the Universe finds means to reach me the messages!


Saturday, November 13, 2021

The special lemons, Shiva and Shakti

 I have been visiting a famous Devi temple regularly, but couldn’t do that since the lockdown. I can resonate so much with this Goddess since I have been praying to her since childhood.

Lemons with odd shape

When two lemons with strange shape appeared on our lemon tree, it was a surprise. I have been getting lemons from this tree for the last two decades, this is the first time I saw something like this!

One friend commented that lemons with unusual shape are very precious since they are used for special pujas. Now I looked at the lemons with a different eye. 

And I could correlate the shape of one lemon with a rare picture of Devi and the other resembled a rudraksh.

Goddess visiting us

I felt that since we couldn’t go to the temple, the Goddess decided to visit us, which was a great humbling feeling! And I decided to do a special puja, for which I got guidance from the Universe. I followed the instructions and performed a Havan. 

I could feel the Divine energy building around me and filling up the whole house!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Communication beyond words

Connecting with my parallel existence

I was giving distant Reiki healing to a girl in another part of India, Jahnvi (name changed) who was not well, quite tired, and taking rest most of the time. Since the improvement was slow, one night I decided a new approach. I connected with my parallel existence, who is a monk staying in the Himalayas with his disciples. I imagined taking Jahnvi with me to the Himalayas to this monk’s abode among the snow.

While this was happening, my conscious mind was thinking, “Why should you take her to the Himalayas? The healing can be directed to her, wherever she is.” But I usually go ahead with the guidance I receive and we reached there. She was put in the center, the monk, his disciples, and I sat around her and directed healing energy towards Jahnvi. Then I brought her back.

Pacifying Jahnvi

Later I entered her room, stood near her bed, stroked her head and conveyed the message that she is going to be alright and there is nothing to worry. I felt she was responding well to the reassurance. After spending some more time there I returned.

As expected, she was much better the next day, and was on the road to recovery.

Unusual message

Imagine my surprise when saw this message from her the next morning, “Last night I had a dream that I was coming down a mountain somewhere in the Himalayas. There was a sort of Guru or something in front of me, he was walking so fast. I am not a trekking person and find the task difficult. But I was surprised to see I could keep up the pace and come down.

Then I woke up hearing a loud sound, I was really terrified. I felt there was someone in the room. I heard the door opening and from the shadows I felt you entered my room, came over and stood at the foot of my bed. You were pacifying and healing me and I felt so good.”


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Are you overriding Reiki energy?

 When you read this, the first question that comes to mind is, “Is it possible to override Reiki energy?” And the answer is “Yes, you can.”

Human beings are on the uppermost ladder of creation, the only species that has a veto power on destiny. Today’s destiny is from yesterday’s karma and today’s karma is shaping our destiny of tomorrow. And we do have control on today’s karma.

On learning Reiki

When you learn Reiki, you are empowered to channel the Universal (Rei) Energy (Ki) through your body and direct it for self healing or healing of others. This means that higher amount of energy starts flowing through your body and if you are sensitive, you can feel this energy flow in mild, moderate or extreme sensations.

Once you practice self healing daily, Reiki energy balances your physical, mental, emotional fields and they come to a sort of balanced state. Then onwards, you won’t feel the energy flow as before, except for times when there is some turbulence in your life. For some people, this balancing happens in 21 days, but it can get extended to 6 months too.

Do you feel drained out?

If anybody feels dramatic sensations even after six months, then it is the intense desire to control the outcome of a situation, which pulls out your own energy. Another indication is when you give healing to someone, you feel drained out.

Years back when my babies fell sick, I would heal them with my own energy and as a result, I would feel drained out. On learning Reiki in 1997, the best thing I liked about Reiki was despite the number of healings done in a day, one never feels drained out. This is because we are just taking the Universal energy and directing it to the person who needs healing.

The ultimate destination on learning Reiki

Years of daily Reiki healing that bring about balance will take you to a calm temperament where you will be able to view even deeply disturbing life situations and take rational decisions. This happens because you have realised from your own experience that Reiki is an intelligent energy, which has no limitations of space and time, like human beings. So Reiki knows what is best for you in the long term and helps to manifest those. Sometimes you ask for something and Reiki grants you something else, but you are perfectly ok with it as you know that Reiki always works in your best interest.

Then your life becomes like a calm day, when you don’t feel powerful winds around. If your life feels like a hurricane on a daily basis or very frequently, that means your own energy is fighting with the Universal energy. You have not reached the stage of surrendering to Reiki.

Do you work through Reiki or Reiki works through you?

Whether you have reached a balanced state, this is the litmus test that gives the proof. If you think that you have this powerful energy in your control and you can manifest things you want (without caring for the Universal laws), make others behave the way you want, well, that’s a sad state. There is a long journey ahead of you!

If on the other hand, you acknowledge the greater power of Reiki, surrender to it and are happy to be an instrument in the hands of Reiki, you allow Reiki to work through you. Then you experience miracles every day and a calm, peaceful state of mind!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Podcast- Unit 6- Developing 'Prasaada Buddhi'

To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE

When we go a place of worship, we receive ‘Prasaada’ which is some food, fruit or any other eatable that has been first offered to the presiding Deity. And we accept it with total devotion and gratitude.

We can define ‘Prasaada Buddhi’ as an attitude of gratitude because the word ‘Buddhi’ in this context means gratitude. Attitude of gratitude for everything we receive in life, every experience that comes our way, whether it is according to our liking or not. With this attitude, everything is treated as a gift, without claiming ownership of anything.

When we identify totally with our physical body and are bound by strong attachments, our Ego controls us and it will be difficult to have a strong ‘Prasaada Buddhi’. In such a case, when things don’t go according to our liking, frustration sets in. This feeling soon turns into anger directed towards ourselves and also towards the Universe that we are a part of.  This will make us appear unattractive and repulsive to others.

We need to realise that each and every moment of life itself is a Divine gift. This is easy when we remember that the vital body functions are not under our control at all and that life continues on its own. We have to be aware that anything can happen any time and that it is nothing else but Divine Grace that is protecting us all through the day and also through the night when we are sleeping.

To start practicing Prasaada Buddhi, begin from being thankful for your physical body. Check whether it is gratitude that fills your mind when you look at the mirror every morning.  If you are finding shortcomings of your body and feeling remorse, you have a lot of practice to do.

Secondly, check whether you are routinely saying things like “I am tired of my life”, “I can’t take it any more”, “I want to run away from this situation” etc., these are expressions of Ego. And then the question “Why me?” is a case of extreme Ego because that person considers himself or herself to be far more superior or more deserving than the others.

So let us start having the Prasaada Buddhi or attitude of gratitude in our life. Let us just do our karma and accept everything that comes our way gratefully and graciously. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Podcast- Unit 5- Bad behaviour from dear ones

 To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE 

He/she is such a nice person, but with me....

If we understand the basic truth of life, this question will not arise. This world is of duality. Nobody can be totally good or totally bad. Somebody's inner state of the mind, the recent experiences one has gone through, or some belief system can totally influence someone’s behaviour with you, and it keeps changing from time to time.

Why does someone close to you treat you badly?

It is human tendency to analyse things and find the reason behind. But this is not an easy task and it is impossible to find the story behind every drama in this worldly “Maya”. But we are helpless, we need to try. And what is the instrument we have got? The 1.5 kgs of brain inside our skull cap. But it has serious limitations. Your intelligence and intellect can only take you to some distance. Beyond that, well....

Get in touch with the Universal intelligence

If we can go beyond our limited intelligence and get in touch with the Universal intelligence, things slowly start unfolding. Every being in the Universe has innate intelligence. The planets around us have influence over us and depending on which planet is having maximum influence at a given time, our behaviour is going to change.

Soul contracts

We travel, or come to the earth as soul groups and before incarnating, we make soul contracts with other souls who will be with us here. So the behaviour with each one has had a blue print prepared beforehand. If somebody needs a harsh treatment to mend his/her ways at some stage in life, the soul that had agreed to mete that treatment would do its duty.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Death - The Journey Back Home

In anticipation

When we look at life, it is seen that we are always living in anticipation of something to happen in the future. As a kid, one waits for the day of joining school, once in school, waiting for the day in college, then for the day of first salary. This is followed by the dream of marrying, having kids, then their education and them standing on their feet, their marriage, grand kids. I often wonder why nobody is waiting for the day of returning ‘Home”, or, if I may say that, the day one is going to die.

Our real home

Earth is not our real home. We have come to this earth school to learn some lessons, that too some tough lessons, and progress on our path. We are all souls having a human experience. When the lessons for one life time has completed, we need to go back, have a resting period, rejuvenate, plan for the next life time, choose our body, place of birth, parents, life experiences, and start over again.

This may not seem true to many, but for me, it is all experiential. I have seen many of my past lives, experienced going through the death process of those lives, and the joy of returning to the Real Home, being welcomed by the soul group members.

It is interesting that not only have I experienced myself, but multiple clients have narrated similar stories when I take them through their past lives.

Death is just a transition

For a new beginning, there has to be an end preceding that. Death is not the opposite of life, but a prelude to life.

Once we acknowledge ourselves as souls and not this human body, it is easier to see death from a different perspective. Plato had defined death as the end of a terrestrial life and access to an ideal world.

In the soul state, we are ‘Sat Chit Ananda’, which means ‘Truth (Existence) Consciousness Bliss’. When we enter a human body, we become limited, in physical movement, in thinking and actions. Just watch a new born baby and you can clearly visualise how it is getting used to being restricted in the body.

You decide the time of death

Once you are born, the most definite truth facing you is the death. Time of death is decided at the time of birth, by your higher self. Humans (doctors) have absolutely no role in delaying death. Many people get a premonition of death a few days beforehand. If they are cognizant of the impermanence of the physical body, they will ease off, and participate in the death process. Instead, if one gets petrified of death and try to cling on to life, and believe that doctors can prolong their life, they will go for the most expensive diagnostic tests and treatment that they can afford.

The body is poked, punctured, needled, intense radiations passed through, put on ventilator, all this done in a scary, lonely environment. I wonder whether the soul gets tormented on seeing all this, with the confusion why the humans don’t allow a graceful, peaceful death to their fellow beings!

Imagine a granny sitting on her rocking chair, knowing that the time for her to leave has come. Her eyes are filled with love when she looks at her loved ones, sipping the soup that is lovingly prepared for her. Her good wishes and prayers are emanating around, spreading in the house and reaching the dear ones. And as her soul leaves, her further journey is mostly smooth.

On the other hand, another the soul watches its weak, shrivelled helpless body, with the dead brain, being tormented, pumped up by the ventilator. Finally when the ventilator is disconnected and the body declared dead, it is anybody’s guess how the onward journey of the soul is going to be.

You decide the quality of your life

Though the time of death is decided by your higher self and your conscious mind won’t know this till the last days, the quality of your life is decided by your thoughts and actions. Health has to be taken as a high priority right from the beginning. My heart aches when I see the overweight, sedentary, electronic devices addicted children around. A healthy life style has to be followed by the parents so that the children follow the same.

One should know that the human body is a wonderful healing machine and when the healing is delayed or not happening, it is because of the thought waves that are percolating the mind. Instead of correcting the mental activity people prefer to hand over the responsibility of bringing back wellness to the doctors. I am not talking of the emergency situations in life, when doctors are of definite help.

Learn to live

If one can learn to live properly, the satisfaction of having lived a full life can bring in a curiosity to the life ahead after death and they can be active participants in the transition. They won’t be shrinking in horror and clinging onto the hope to live longer! 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

If You Have Crossed 50...

We are immortal

The science is trying by different means to make the perishable human body immortal, without the basic knowledge that it is the essence that is immortal. The clothing (physical body) has to change periodically to start on a different path, to gain another set of experiences. As long as you try to hold on to the status of your adult body as you age past that, life is going to be miserable.

One tries to maintain youthful look by dying the hair. With passing days, parts of hair as they emerge, look white and the remaining hair look jet black. This combined with the wrinkles around the eyes and the neck make one look really comic. I have seen one person having severe allergic reaction in his eyes from the hair dye, which forced him to stop using it.

Then the botox injections and the plastic surgeries!! The injections keep the muscles taut, but it also gives rise to ‘plastic smiles’ that look pathetic.

Let the grace of aging show up on your face, and be proud of the wisdom you have gained.

We are souls in a human body

We have taken this human form for some purpose and the physical body is perishable. The souls are eternal. We feel nothing on seeing a leaf yellowing, falling off the tree, getting decayed and merging into the soil. The human body is no different from that. Due to the intelligence we possess, we have come to think that we are something special!

The four stages of life

If we consider the human life span to be 100 years, the four sections of 25 years have specific karma to perform. The first stage (Brahmacharya ashram) is the ‘addition’ stage. We are adding lessons and experiences in our life.

The next, Grihasthashram, is the ‘subtraction’ stage. We lead a family life and we are subtracting our experiences and earnings in providing for the family/children.

The third, Vanaprasthashram starts from the age of 51. In Hindi, 51 is ‘Ikkavan’. The word ‘ikka’ means one, and ‘van’ means forest. It means, after the age of 50, one leg should be in the forest ie., one should start detaching from the worldly entanglements. At the same time, it is the time for ‘multiplication’. One is supposed to hand over the responsibilities to the next generation and spend time in ‘sadhana’, which will multiply their knowledge and convert it into wisdom.

And then the last stage of Sanyasashram, the ‘division’ stage. Here we are supposed to distribute our wisdom to the deserving and eager to absorb individuals.

Generally it is seen now that nobody wants to get out of grihasthashram. Even into ripe old age, they want to enjoy life as they enjoyed at the age of 35. What is the problem with that? Let us see from different aspects.

Consider the teeth

I am a dentist and this is going to come first J. Our requirement for food keeps reducing as age advances. After the age of 30, one needs to start gradually reducing the food intake. After 50 years, the dinner can be totally done away with. Apart from a dozen health benefits from this, it also insures your teeth will remain longer in the mouth. Once you have your evening tea (with some snack) at 4.30 to 5 pm, you can brush your teeth and the teeth remain clean and free of food particles and bacteria till you have your breakfast the next day.

Keep your body flexible

This has to be done by two means – one by consuming good oils and ghee (the wonder food). Our joints need lubrication to remain functional. Refined oils are harmful as they don’t provide any ‘oiliness’. Get cold pressed oil from a reliable source.

Have oil massage every day, followed by hot water bath. And do some exercises/ yoga.

Learn something new to keep those brain cells young

By learning something new you are exercising your brain that can help to improve cognitive functions such as concentration, memory recall, attention to detail, and problem solving. This reduces the chance of developing dementia.  

Observe your children’s lives, without being judgemental, and try to get a sense of social transformation that has taken place in your life time so far. If you can get a grip of this, life will be more smooth flowing and enjoyable.

Time to go with the flow

You have toiled for 50 years, putting in a lot of hard work, and now is the time to relax, enjoy every day, every moment of your life. Don’t try to interfere with your adult children’s lives. It will only affect  your inner calm and destroy their peace of mind! Feel the gratitude for being alive another day, when you wake up every morning. Look around, feel the breeze, smell the flowers, enjoy the vastness of the sky, and every sip of your tea/coffee. 

Make life an every day celebration, which will give the message to the next generation that life is worth living well. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Podcast- Unit 4 - Experiences en route the Spiritual Journey

To listen to the podcast: CLICK HERE

I have been teaching Reiki for more than two decades now. Though I was not aware of this important aspect when I learnt Reiki, after many years of daily self Reiki self healing, in retrospect I realised I was advancing on my spiritual path. Reiki brings whatever is needed for your growth. So I am not surprised when people practicing continuously come back to me with many questions and doubts.

A new path has been opened up for you

When we are in a totally worldly (materialistic, should I say?) pursuit, it is as if there is a dark glass in front of our eyes. Many things are obscured from our view, and we also get a distorted view. When we embark on our spiritual journey, a whole new world, and a new path opens up before us. We will have many exalted experiences. They may be dream experiences, or day to day miracles. One aspect is, they are really happening. Secondly, you have become more sensitive to notice many things and to remember them.

They are just views along the path

In our routine life, we are trained to analyse things and arrive at conclusions. That approach is going to backfire here. We are on a journey and if we stop at every view on the path and waste time analysing, our journey may be delayed, or halted.

Enjoy, sing a song and trod along

Instead, whenever you get any such experience, thank the Universe for bringing it your way, enjoy it and keep moving!

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Power of the Female Principle of Divine Energy (The Shakti of Shakti)

 I love chanting mantras and I have been doing it since childhood. Mantras have a peculiar way of coming into my life at appropriate times and then I take them up seriously. My nephew asked for a Shakti mantra in February 2021. After I gave him the mantra, I also started chanting it daily.

Effect of chanting mantra

Mantras are repetitive sounds, having influence over the mind and body. Many neuroscientists have proved that sound and language of mantras influence various aspects of our life. Mantras can infuse positive energy in you. It can create the sense of armour around your body. Whether chanting aloud or in mind, it carries energy and exerts power. Even after the chanting is stopped, the mantra will be ringing in one’s ears. Vibrations from the mantra can affect every cell, every atom of our body, nourishing and healing us.

It has been found that the sounds of specific mantra chanting will cause the left and right hemispheres of the brain to synchronize. Such chanting will also help oxygenate the brain, reduce our heart rate, blood pressure and assist in creating calm brainwave activity.

Universe provides signs

When a mantra has become a part of me and starts manifesting its effects, I always get some sign from the Universe. On May 20th when I was chanting Shakti mantra, I could feel a distinct vibration affecting my body. I told my husband that I feel different and there was a cloud of happiness floating inside the mind. The interesting aspect was, apart from feeling the strong effect of this mantra, I could sense it was making all other mantras that I chant, more powerful!

Later when we were collecting flowers, to my pleasant surprise, I saw three dark red hibiscus flowers on a plant. This plant has been there in our house for many years and keeps giving one or two flowers at a time. It has never given three flowers in a day. And this is the flower I offer to Shakti. 

And the effects follow...

After I learned Reiki in 1997, my life took a major turn towards better, taking me to another plane of existence. Chanting this mantra gives me similar feeling. May be it is due after almost twenty five years of serious sadhana!





Friday, April 30, 2021

Catch the Gap Meditation (CGM)

 I keep hearing the comment, “When I sit to meditate, continuously thoughts keep coming”. Gave a deep thought to this statement and then got some revelations during my meditation (as thoughts)! I have been getting guidance and messages during meditation since many years. And they always drop down as thoughts. So personally, I don’t long for a totally thoughtless meditation experience.

The importance of gap

Anything that works overtime gets damaged. There needs to be time for rest and rejuvenation, however short it may be. Think of our heart, which starts beating the moment we are conceived, and continues to the last breath. In healthy adults, there are two normal heart sounds, often described as a lub and a dub that occur in sequence with each heartbeat. There is a gap between the sounds, when the heart muscles rest.

Our lungs are also functioning 24x7 during our life time. If you compare the breathing styles when one is angry and calm, they are totally different. Long term practice of Reiki and pranayama makes the breath longer and deeper. I have noticed that the gap between an exhalation and the next inhalation has increased tremendously after my Reiki and pranayama. Many Reiki practitioners will have a breathing rate of 8 to 10, instead of the normal 12 to 16 breaths per minute. This gives adequate rest to the lungs, leading to longer, healthier life.

I will consider mind also as an organ. The function of mind is to think, and we need to think to have a streamlined productive life. The problem comes when a thought chain follows every time we think.

Is it possible to stop the function of mind?

When we aim to stop the function of mind, I feel it is being partial to it. We don’t try to stop the function of the heart or lungs. When we think logically, the mind is programmed to think and it will continue its function.

Does it mean that we can’t experience thoughtless state during meditation? No, that is not what I meant. We need to think from a different angle, that’s all.

Gap between thoughts

An average human being’s mind is always occupied by thoughts and thought chains. A thought chain is subsequent irrelevant thoughts that follow a useful or useless thought. According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts. If we repeat those negative thoughts, we think negative way more than we think positive thoughts. Many people even complain that they can't sleep immediately after going to bed as their brain does not stop thinking.  And this is not conducive for good health.

By practicing meditation daily, gradually we start experiencing gaps between our thoughts. And that is like tasting nectar (Amrit). Initially it will be for a brief duration, like a few seconds, but as practice progresses, the gaps between thoughts become longer, we start enjoying the process and we are hooked to meditation now!

Catch the Gap Meditation (CGM)

This is the technique that got downloaded into my brain during meditation. It will help you to experience the gaps between thoughts, get them removed as they start occupying your mind, and gradually lengthen these gaps. Before doing this meditation, please read the following carefully, at least twice.

Etheric body (prana-maya-kosha)

The etheric body, or ether-body, is a name given by neo-Theosophy to a vital body or subtle body propounded in esoteric philosophies as the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. It is in immediate contact with and maintains the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies. It is a body of forces, rather than substance.

                                                                              Etheric body
The etheric body, composed of four ethers, is called the "Vital Body" since the ether is the way of ingress for vital force from the Sun and the field of agencies in nature which promote such vital activities as assimilation, growth, and propagation. The Etheric body delivers energy to your physical body so that it can do everything that it does to enable you to generate your life experiences. It is also connected to the emotional and the mental energy systems.

In a meditative state you will be guided to observe your etheric body detach from your physical body and being present in front of you, facing you. But it will be floating, since it doesn’t have any substance or matter.

An incoming thought

Since you have been taken into a relaxed state free from stress and tension, as you watch your etheric body detaching and coming in front, it can float because your mind is thought free. As you keep observing the etheric body, slowly a thought will creep into your mind. 

                                                                        A thought form

Sense the presence of this thought in the etheric body and watch it being weighed down by the thought. Depending on the depth and intensity of it, and also whether there is a thought chain, the etheric body will float downwards. It is also possible that you may watch it tipping down, even upside down. Now you know why your world view goes upside down sometimes.

Sun, the saviour

You will be guided to recognize the presence of Sun and its healing light particles descending into the etheric body, clearing up the thought and making it float upright again.

Again you are experiencing a thoughtless state which is unique, filled with bliss and peace. After a while, another thought will gently come into the mind.

Easier with each practice

We will go through the sequence several times and each time it becomes easier and faster for you to experience the thoughtless state.

The Finale

Finally, the etheric body is guided to merge with the physical body. That is when you experience the weightlessness and expansiveness of the physical body. It is an indescribable experience!

To listen to the video , CLICK HERE   


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Podcast- Unit 3 - Spirituality for Instant Gratification?

To listen to the podcast: CLICK HERE

These days it is the in thing to say that one is on the spiritual path. One needs to look deep down inside the reason for being on the spiritual path.  Is instant gratification the motivating factor?  That means spirituality is being made into a business model. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.

The ultimate realization is to understand that everything is ONE. There is a Universal plan or grid according to which the Universe runs. If we try to achieve or get anything that is not in tune with the Universal grid, it doesn’t happen.

When you have walked that spiritual path, your  wishes will be in tune with the Universal grid and as you go still further, you cease having ‘wishes’ because you know whatever you need (as opposed to WANT) always come to you.

All the experiences we had decided, at the soul level, to undergo in this Earthly life, we will undergo. Being in the spiritual path helps you to keep your inner self in a joyful, peaceful state, while keeping on doing all the worldly duties.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Amalgamation of fragmented life

As we start going against Nature, our lives get fragmented, bringing in guilt, anger and helplessness. As a human being, we have masculine and feminine aspects within us. They need to be in balance and in synchronization to lead a peaceful and happy life.

Only masculine aspect honoured?

From childhood, a boy is reprimanded for crying or expressing emotions because it is considered shameful for a boy to behave like a girl. On growing older, suppressing the feminine aspect becomes second nature to majority of men.

An woman gets more accolades for the worldly achievements, establishing themselves in the ‘male dominated’ areas. Sincere compliments for keeping the house in order, preparing wholesome meals day after day and bringing up well balanced kids are hard to get. The corporate machinery leaves no stone unturned to instil into the female brains that, ‘You are destined to do things to make the world progress by working hard in the corporate  set up, not to toil in the kitchen. We will provide you the food. You just immerse in the tasks that the company expects you to do.’

With the exponential scientific progress, man started thinking he is above Nature. But we are very much part and parcel of Nature.

Feminine Earth and Masculine Sky

Earth is our mother and the Sky our father. What are the qualities of Earth: nourishing, nurturing, supporting and having unlimited patience.  These qualities are given to the feminine gender, which makes it possible for them to bear children and they are endowed with patience to bring up kids. But the constant emanation of information contrary to this has made women lose their feminine qualities. I understood the seriousness of this aspect when I heard my daughter saying to her friend one day, ‘When everybody wants to wear trousers and nobody likes to wear skirts, where will the world go?’

The sky on the other hand, is there to give protection from above; it lets the Sunshine and the rains to reach us. If we expect the sky to grow plants for us, it is our foolishness.

Similarly, men and women are part of Nature, their roles are equally important and they are equipped to do their job best.

Basic aspects have been neglected too long

We have travelled a long distance from our natural path and this is causing a lot of heart ache, relationship problems, guilty conscience, immense suppressed anger and a joyless existence.

Is there a way out?

Yes, definitely. We can bring back the lost feminine aspect in both men and women to live in tune with Nature. 

Going against nature is not the way, but to live in harmony with it should be made the aim of the future. Are you ready to do this and bring in an amalgamation of our fragmented lives to get back to wholesomeness? You can indeed do this, if you have this one basic necessity – Trust in Yourself.

If you are sure you have trust in yourself,  CLICK HERE to enjoy this session.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Podcast- Unit 2 - Justifications for your actions

To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE

 Whatever we humans do in life, we always find justifications. Pause for a moment and muse: Are your justifications aimed to substantiate wrong actions, or to stick to the moral principles?

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Podcast- Unit 1 - Illegitimate money

To listen to this Podcast- unit 1 - Illegitimate money,  CLICK HERE

 Continuing with the money source - Illegitimate inflow of money can have an adverse effect on the family. Examples of the character of doctors and teachers, which can bring in bad vibrations. Story of the corrupted mind of a Sadhu who ate in the palace of a king.

The decision making capacity gets corrupted as one keeps ignoring the heart’s warnings when he/she does Karma that is not according the Dharma. So they lose the correct decision making capacity in crucial moments of life.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Starting podcast


To listen to the first of this series, CLICK HERE

Hello my fellow travellers,

We are all walking the path of life. I may be ahead by a few steps from some of you. You will benefit tremendously from my subsequent podcasts. And I may be behind some of you. And this is a chance for you to reinforce the lessons that you have already learnt in life.


I dedicate this podcast to my dear friend Nupur Saxena, who has been behind me for a couple of years to start podcast. I was thinking, what do I have to contribute, because already there are millions of podcasts. What special thing do I have to share? But since week, I have been thinking about that. Nupur always tells me that she benefitted tremendously from many points which I have told her. Then it came to me, whatever I have to tell, they all come from my personal experience. Every point that I say has tremendous energy or vibrational power that it will be easy for you to incorporate, provided you are in such a stage.


Even if one person out of thousands benefit, it is worth starting this.


Now a days it is very common to be in the spiritual path, to do meditation or chanting. When these things are done, it is important that our life is going in a proper manner so that we get maximum benefit.


Mantras are like heavy electrical power. They can bring so much change in your life. But if you are not prepared, it can be harmful too. It is also like fire. For fire to burn properly, there should be a lamp, oil, and wick. Compare lamp with food, oil - your deeds, and the wick - your thoughts. Take care that your thoughts and actions are in synchrony. Food is very important. It should be bought from the money that is legitimately earned. Otherwise, the mantras can be like high voltage electricity and you, like a live wire, without any protective shield! It may prove dangerous.

So, I am starting a series of podcast to help people on the spiritual path. I intend to share whatever I have learned from my experience.