Monday, December 14, 2020

Agya (Brow, Third Eye) Chakra


Agya (Brow, or Third Eye) Chakra is the sixth chakra, which is a part of the brain that can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga and other spiritual practice just as a muscle is. Sometimes referred to as the “conscience,” this chakra governs the pineal gland and your vision, intuition, memory, and imagination. 

It signifies the subconscious mind, the direct link to the Brahman. While a person's two eyes see the physical world, the third eye reveals insights about the future. This third eye chakra connects people to their intuition, give them the ability to communicate with the world, or help them receive messages from the past and the future.

Our journey

From earth we came (Muladhara Chakra). We flowed into water from there (Svadhisthana Chakra) and then into the throes of fire (Manipura Chakra). And then, we entered the heart (Anahata Chakra) and onward, we spoke our truths (Visuddha Chakra). Now, we get a different kind of clarity, that which comes from our deepest visions

Agya is described as a transparent lotus flower with two petals, representing the nadis (psychic channels) Ida and Pingala, which meet the central Sushumna nadi before rising to the crown chakra, Sahasrara. The seed syllable of Agya, Om, which is believed to be the basic sound of the world and contains all other sounds. It is considered the supreme sound of the universe. Indigo is the most common chakra color associated with the Third Eye. Additionally, violet, silver and shades of darkest blue/purple may also be used.

Imbalance in the Agya Chakra

The mind can go overdrive when the Third Eye chakra produces an excess of energy, and it causes difficulty to concentrate and, in some cases, can induce hallucinations.

An underactive Third Eye chakra makes one indecisive, procrastinate, or become fearful of the unknown. It can affect the ability to concentrate on, process, and remember information.  Extremely deficient Agya chakra function can hinder the ability to focus, keep a cool head under pressure, or dream and recall dreams.

Restoring balance to Agya Chakra

-          Yogasanas  that help with Third Eye chakra healing and balancing, include child’s pose, shoulder stands, and forward bends.

-          Applying sandalwood on the forehead at the location of the Agya chakra can assist in cleansing and balancing.

-          Healing stones like Amethyst, Moonstone or Quartz that possess the same vibration frequency and chakra color as the Agya chakra help to clear away negativity and restore proper energy flow.

-          Diet, apart from playing a vital role in your overall health, affects the Chakras. Dark blue and purple-colored foods like brinjals, plums, and blue berries can boost Third Eye chakra function. So, think purple to heal and maintain a healthy Ajna chakra.

-          Meditate on the Agya chakra

For meditating on Agya Chakra CLICK HERE





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