Monday, November 9, 2015

Reiki, my spiritual Guru

During B K Shivani’s talk in Belgaum, she told that as a continuation of the function, at the Brahmakumari’s centers in Belgaum, they will conduct 7 days Rajayoga meditation course after a day. The timing was 7 to 8 am and 7 to 8 pm. I felt like attending the course, but the timing was not convenient. It was announced that if a different timing was sought, one could talk to the sisters at the center and they will arrange it.

We went early morning the next day and told the sister there that we would like to get a time slot of 6 to 7 am. She asked me for my phone number and told she would inform me when it was arranged. I didn’t get any call and I took it that the Universe is not approving. As I go by the signs of Universe, it was ok with me.

During those days, we were watching the TV programme ‘Reporters’ and then it ended. So we just started listening to ‘Awakening with Brahmakumaris’, which was a talk show with BK Shivani. Then after two three days, I saw ‘Learn Rajayoga meditation sitting at your home”. Wow! I couldn’t believe it for a moment.

So from 3rd November 2015 we are watching the Rajayoga meditation program daily. I was surprised that many of the things BK Shivani tells I have already been practicing. And who was guiding me? Reiki. I have come to realize that even though I learned Reiki basically to take care of physical problems, it was leading me on through my spiritual path. That it was doing it so systematically, I realized only on listening to BK Shivani’s talks.  When we prepare ourselves, things just fall into our laps. Even after experiencing it multiple times, it still amazes me!

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