Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kalima’s instructions

Quite a few months back I got instructions from Kalima to start doing havans on Tuesdays and   Fridays. From then on I burn ghee lamps in the morning and do havan in the evenings. Last Saturday (5th October 2013) I got instruction to make a garland with red shoe flower petals for her. Can I tie each petal? No, she told two petals have to be tied together to make the garland.

So on Sunday morning I made the garland and put for her. After breakfast I was trimming the plants in the green house and my husband was standing and watching. Suddenly he told, ‘There is a frog behind you. It is showing its tongue to me.’

I turned around and saw a big frog. It started walking towards me. Its big eyes were fixed on me and then it thrust its tongue fully out of the mouth, twice. It was really a sight! We both laughed and went inside the house.

Later it struck me; Kalima’s picture has her tongue thrust out. The frog was conveying the message that Kalima was happy with my garland. Oh, I was so happy!

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