Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Messages from Yonder

When the messages I got used to materialize, I considered them just coincidences. And I thought it happens with every body. As I grew older, I realized it was a gift from God. These messages helped me in making many crucial decisions in my life.

When I was passing through a crisis in my life, I searched all around for guidance. To a letter pleading for help that I sent to a religious guru, he wrote back, ‘This is your personal problem and you have to deal with it.’ I was crestfallen! This brought the stark realization that we are all really alone and have to find ways to deal with problems in life.

Then Reiki came my way and I took a 180 degree turn in my approach to life. I could bring back the sanity into my life, but then I took a resolution. Since I didn’t get help when I really needed, I determined to help anyone who approached me. Thus started my life as a spiritual healer more than a decade ago.

As I started helping others to heal, the significance of all that I had to go through in life was revealed to me. When I see some body going through the problems that I had to face, I know deep inside me that they can definitely come out of it, since I had done it already. So when I talk to them, there is conviction in my voice, which is contagious and kick starts the healing process in the person.

Once I was treating a patient in my dental clinic, I got the message that his father was having problem with his knees. I was in a dilemma whether to tell this to my patient or not. My husband encouraged me saying that he was a friend and it was ok to tell. So I conveyed him the message. Next day he came with his father to my home. He said he was indeed having trouble with his knee and wanted to know whether I could help to relieve it.

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