Thursday, September 1, 2022

Becoming a writer


I knew very early on in my life that I had literary ability when I got my first travelogue published in a children’s magazine at around the age of ten. Then in the school magazines and college magazines I continued to write followed by articles in the news papers and stories in magazines. There came a break for a few years, especially during our stay in Libya where I got absolutely no time to pursue writing.

But I was determined

A couple of weeks back I came across a page in my diary of 1990, when we had come back to India from Libya. Here it is:

From then on I started noting down every idea that came into my mind and developing them into articles. Many middles were published in ‘Deccan Herald”, stories in several magazines including ‘Woman’s Era”.

Getting more professional

I joined a correspondence course from Australia where they put you under the tutelage of an established writer. I got a wonderful lady as my tutor. There used to be lessons to go through, then she would ask me to write  articles, stories, plot for a novel, for radio, and interview somebody on a topic and do a write up. The course was designed for one year. The finished exercises  had to be sent to Australia by post, she would make corrections and send back. It was in the thick of my professional life as the Professor and Head of a department in the dental college, while looking after my growing children, taking them for their extracurricular activities and doing all the cooking at home. So it took me about three and a half years to finish the course in 2000.

 Meanwhile I became a member of the ‘United Writers' Association" in 1999.

I published a booklet on my dental speciality, and a book on Reiki. Started my first blog in 2004 and another one in 2011, and continue to publish articles.

Being appreciated

I feel blessed when I get feed backs like this:

"I am awestruck by your blog- Expanding horizons..I have lot n lot n lot of lessons over there, just at the right time it hits me harder where I was searching for many answers..I feel solution for every problem lies in your teachings from this blog, I am blessed to meet you." 

“This was very thought provoking. Exceptionally well written as if it was written by a professional journalist. Ma'am your use and command over the language is exceptional and it is always so nice to read your blogs. I always eagerly wait for the next one. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. "

Hard work all the way

Whatever I have achieved in writing is through dedicated hard work, as you can see. I believe that achievement in life is innate capability multiplied by hard work. Think about this saying :

“Attainments in life do not mean that you do extraordinary things. But you do ordinary things with full involvement such that they become extraordinary."

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