Friday, April 30, 2021

Catch the Gap Meditation (CGM)

 I keep hearing the comment, “When I sit to meditate, continuously thoughts keep coming”. Gave a deep thought to this statement and then got some revelations during my meditation (as thoughts)! I have been getting guidance and messages during meditation since many years. And they always drop down as thoughts. So personally, I don’t long for a totally thoughtless meditation experience.

The importance of gap

Anything that works overtime gets damaged. There needs to be time for rest and rejuvenation, however short it may be. Think of our heart, which starts beating the moment we are conceived, and continues to the last breath. In healthy adults, there are two normal heart sounds, often described as a lub and a dub that occur in sequence with each heartbeat. There is a gap between the sounds, when the heart muscles rest.

Our lungs are also functioning 24x7 during our life time. If you compare the breathing styles when one is angry and calm, they are totally different. Long term practice of Reiki and pranayama makes the breath longer and deeper. I have noticed that the gap between an exhalation and the next inhalation has increased tremendously after my Reiki and pranayama. Many Reiki practitioners will have a breathing rate of 8 to 10, instead of the normal 12 to 16 breaths per minute. This gives adequate rest to the lungs, leading to longer, healthier life.

I will consider mind also as an organ. The function of mind is to think, and we need to think to have a streamlined productive life. The problem comes when a thought chain follows every time we think.

Is it possible to stop the function of mind?

When we aim to stop the function of mind, I feel it is being partial to it. We don’t try to stop the function of the heart or lungs. When we think logically, the mind is programmed to think and it will continue its function.

Does it mean that we can’t experience thoughtless state during meditation? No, that is not what I meant. We need to think from a different angle, that’s all.

Gap between thoughts

An average human being’s mind is always occupied by thoughts and thought chains. A thought chain is subsequent irrelevant thoughts that follow a useful or useless thought. According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts. If we repeat those negative thoughts, we think negative way more than we think positive thoughts. Many people even complain that they can't sleep immediately after going to bed as their brain does not stop thinking.  And this is not conducive for good health.

By practicing meditation daily, gradually we start experiencing gaps between our thoughts. And that is like tasting nectar (Amrit). Initially it will be for a brief duration, like a few seconds, but as practice progresses, the gaps between thoughts become longer, we start enjoying the process and we are hooked to meditation now!

Catch the Gap Meditation (CGM)

This is the technique that got downloaded into my brain during meditation. It will help you to experience the gaps between thoughts, get them removed as they start occupying your mind, and gradually lengthen these gaps. Before doing this meditation, please read the following carefully, at least twice.

Etheric body (prana-maya-kosha)

The etheric body, or ether-body, is a name given by neo-Theosophy to a vital body or subtle body propounded in esoteric philosophies as the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. It is in immediate contact with and maintains the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies. It is a body of forces, rather than substance.

                                                                              Etheric body
The etheric body, composed of four ethers, is called the "Vital Body" since the ether is the way of ingress for vital force from the Sun and the field of agencies in nature which promote such vital activities as assimilation, growth, and propagation. The Etheric body delivers energy to your physical body so that it can do everything that it does to enable you to generate your life experiences. It is also connected to the emotional and the mental energy systems.

In a meditative state you will be guided to observe your etheric body detach from your physical body and being present in front of you, facing you. But it will be floating, since it doesn’t have any substance or matter.

An incoming thought

Since you have been taken into a relaxed state free from stress and tension, as you watch your etheric body detaching and coming in front, it can float because your mind is thought free. As you keep observing the etheric body, slowly a thought will creep into your mind. 

                                                                        A thought form

Sense the presence of this thought in the etheric body and watch it being weighed down by the thought. Depending on the depth and intensity of it, and also whether there is a thought chain, the etheric body will float downwards. It is also possible that you may watch it tipping down, even upside down. Now you know why your world view goes upside down sometimes.

Sun, the saviour

You will be guided to recognize the presence of Sun and its healing light particles descending into the etheric body, clearing up the thought and making it float upright again.

Again you are experiencing a thoughtless state which is unique, filled with bliss and peace. After a while, another thought will gently come into the mind.

Easier with each practice

We will go through the sequence several times and each time it becomes easier and faster for you to experience the thoughtless state.

The Finale

Finally, the etheric body is guided to merge with the physical body. That is when you experience the weightlessness and expansiveness of the physical body. It is an indescribable experience!

To listen to the video , CLICK HERE   


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