Thursday, October 29, 2020

Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra

The Manipura or Solar plexus Chakra is situated three finger widths above the navel. Yellow is the color associated with this chakra. Since  fire is the associated element, it is also known as the Fire or Sun Centre.  The fire element manifests in the body as heat in the Solar Plexus. Being the center of vitality, it controls our energy balance, emotional well-being, maintains our health, and helps us in overcoming many illnesses. Like a magnet, it attracts Prana from the Cosmos.

Many health problems like digestive disorders, circulatory diseases, diabetes and fluctuations in blood pressure can be caused by blockages in this centre. It is considered the maintenance center of the body.

The symbol 

The symbolic picture of the Manipura Chakra is a Lotus with ten petals, which represent the ten Pranas or vital forces, which control and nourish all functions of the human body. It has also a triangle with its tip pointing downward, indicating the spreading of energy, growth and development. 

After we have taken our consciousness through the levels of unconscious and subconscious – the Muladhara Chakra and the Swadhisthana Chakra, it reaches the third level, the Manipūra Chakra. 

Keeping the chakra in balance

     -  To keep the digestive fire balanced, we need to eat healthy, balanced meals. Avoid over  eating and drinking ice cold water.

·         Burn lemon grass fragrance incense and essential oils like saffron, musk, sandalwood, ginger, and cinnamon.

      -   Practice yoga postures with mindful breathing to release tension in the solar plexus, physically, mentally, and emotionally. The warrior poses (Veerabhadrasana) build confidence and align the third chakra. Sun salutations (Surya namaskar) warm up the body and connect with the fiery energy of the sun. Boat pose (Navasana) is another excellent posture for strengthening the abdominal muscles, balancing digestion, and bringing a sense of personal empowerment.

      - Meditate on Manipura chakra

To access guided meditation CLICK HERE 

