Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Blessings to curses

Attending the workshop by Gurpreet Singh during the Past Life Regression Convention taught me some valuable lessons. It Was eye opening to see how blessings can turn to curses. There was  a small kingdom near the sea and every year there used to be floods that was killing many  people. He wanted to protect his people and built a very huge and strong wall all around the kingdom. It protected the people during further floods.

The king died after some years. After some time a fire broke out in the country. The sea was so near and the people could have escaped the fire by just going into the sea. But the fortress like wall prevented this and all his people were burnt to death. Seeing this from the other realm, the King could not forgive himself. He realised that his blessing had turned into a curse.

There is this family where the girls get married with difficulty and many of them remain spinsters. An astrologer told that it was due to some untimely deaths in the family. I got the message that it came from one lady particularly, who died some years after the marriage. Her husband married twice again, and these two wives also had untimely deaths. Now the picture became clear. Whatever unpleasant incidences led to her death must have aroused in her the protective instinct for the future generations. She must have invoked a strong blessing that her descendent females should be strong and self supporting so that they would be self sufficient and not be subservient to the 'aggressive' males. In the present generation, girls are all strong and they don't see any necessity for marriage. Don't know whether she is watching this and considers
it still a blessing, or a curse!

But this made a point very clear to me. In our later years, we should concentrate more on our ultimate journey and leave all thoughts of how to protect our children. If they have been brought up well and were given proper foundations of life, they will manage their lives well.

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