Sunday, October 10, 2021

Communication beyond words

Connecting with my parallel existence

I was giving distant Reiki healing to a girl in another part of India, Jahnvi (name changed) who was not well, quite tired, and taking rest most of the time. Since the improvement was slow, one night I decided a new approach. I connected with my parallel existence, who is a monk staying in the Himalayas with his disciples. I imagined taking Jahnvi with me to the Himalayas to this monk’s abode among the snow.

While this was happening, my conscious mind was thinking, “Why should you take her to the Himalayas? The healing can be directed to her, wherever she is.” But I usually go ahead with the guidance I receive and we reached there. She was put in the center, the monk, his disciples, and I sat around her and directed healing energy towards Jahnvi. Then I brought her back.

Pacifying Jahnvi

Later I entered her room, stood near her bed, stroked her head and conveyed the message that she is going to be alright and there is nothing to worry. I felt she was responding well to the reassurance. After spending some more time there I returned.

As expected, she was much better the next day, and was on the road to recovery.

Unusual message

Imagine my surprise when saw this message from her the next morning, “Last night I had a dream that I was coming down a mountain somewhere in the Himalayas. There was a sort of Guru or something in front of me, he was walking so fast. I am not a trekking person and find the task difficult. But I was surprised to see I could keep up the pace and come down.

Then I woke up hearing a loud sound, I was really terrified. I felt there was someone in the room. I heard the door opening and from the shadows I felt you entered my room, came over and stood at the foot of my bed. You were pacifying and healing me and I felt so good.”


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Are you overriding Reiki energy?

 When you read this, the first question that comes to mind is, “Is it possible to override Reiki energy?” And the answer is “Yes, you can.”

Human beings are on the uppermost ladder of creation, the only species that has a veto power on destiny. Today’s destiny is from yesterday’s karma and today’s karma is shaping our destiny of tomorrow. And we do have control on today’s karma.

On learning Reiki

When you learn Reiki, you are empowered to channel the Universal (Rei) Energy (Ki) through your body and direct it for self healing or healing of others. This means that higher amount of energy starts flowing through your body and if you are sensitive, you can feel this energy flow in mild, moderate or extreme sensations.

Once you practice self healing daily, Reiki energy balances your physical, mental, emotional fields and they come to a sort of balanced state. Then onwards, you won’t feel the energy flow as before, except for times when there is some turbulence in your life. For some people, this balancing happens in 21 days, but it can get extended to 6 months too.

Do you feel drained out?

If anybody feels dramatic sensations even after six months, then it is the intense desire to control the outcome of a situation, which pulls out your own energy. Another indication is when you give healing to someone, you feel drained out.

Years back when my babies fell sick, I would heal them with my own energy and as a result, I would feel drained out. On learning Reiki in 1997, the best thing I liked about Reiki was despite the number of healings done in a day, one never feels drained out. This is because we are just taking the Universal energy and directing it to the person who needs healing.

The ultimate destination on learning Reiki

Years of daily Reiki healing that bring about balance will take you to a calm temperament where you will be able to view even deeply disturbing life situations and take rational decisions. This happens because you have realised from your own experience that Reiki is an intelligent energy, which has no limitations of space and time, like human beings. So Reiki knows what is best for you in the long term and helps to manifest those. Sometimes you ask for something and Reiki grants you something else, but you are perfectly ok with it as you know that Reiki always works in your best interest.

Then your life becomes like a calm day, when you don’t feel powerful winds around. If your life feels like a hurricane on a daily basis or very frequently, that means your own energy is fighting with the Universal energy. You have not reached the stage of surrendering to Reiki.

Do you work through Reiki or Reiki works through you?

Whether you have reached a balanced state, this is the litmus test that gives the proof. If you think that you have this powerful energy in your control and you can manifest things you want (without caring for the Universal laws), make others behave the way you want, well, that’s a sad state. There is a long journey ahead of you!

If on the other hand, you acknowledge the greater power of Reiki, surrender to it and are happy to be an instrument in the hands of Reiki, you allow Reiki to work through you. Then you experience miracles every day and a calm, peaceful state of mind!