Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Podcast- Unit 1 - Illegitimate money

To listen to this Podcast- unit 1 - Illegitimate money,  CLICK HERE

 Continuing with the money source - Illegitimate inflow of money can have an adverse effect on the family. Examples of the character of doctors and teachers, which can bring in bad vibrations. Story of the corrupted mind of a Sadhu who ate in the palace of a king.

The decision making capacity gets corrupted as one keeps ignoring the heart’s warnings when he/she does Karma that is not according the Dharma. So they lose the correct decision making capacity in crucial moments of life.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Starting podcast


To listen to the first of this series, CLICK HERE

Hello my fellow travellers,

We are all walking the path of life. I may be ahead by a few steps from some of you. You will benefit tremendously from my subsequent podcasts. And I may be behind some of you. And this is a chance for you to reinforce the lessons that you have already learnt in life.


I dedicate this podcast to my dear friend Nupur Saxena, who has been behind me for a couple of years to start podcast. I was thinking, what do I have to contribute, because already there are millions of podcasts. What special thing do I have to share? But since week, I have been thinking about that. Nupur always tells me that she benefitted tremendously from many points which I have told her. Then it came to me, whatever I have to tell, they all come from my personal experience. Every point that I say has tremendous energy or vibrational power that it will be easy for you to incorporate, provided you are in such a stage.


Even if one person out of thousands benefit, it is worth starting this.


Now a days it is very common to be in the spiritual path, to do meditation or chanting. When these things are done, it is important that our life is going in a proper manner so that we get maximum benefit.


Mantras are like heavy electrical power. They can bring so much change in your life. But if you are not prepared, it can be harmful too. It is also like fire. For fire to burn properly, there should be a lamp, oil, and wick. Compare lamp with food, oil - your deeds, and the wick - your thoughts. Take care that your thoughts and actions are in synchrony. Food is very important. It should be bought from the money that is legitimately earned. Otherwise, the mantras can be like high voltage electricity and you, like a live wire, without any protective shield! It may prove dangerous.

So, I am starting a series of podcast to help people on the spiritual path. I intend to share whatever I have learned from my experience.