Thursday, September 24, 2020

Mooladhara Chakra (Root chakra)

The seven chakras in our body represent the core energy centers. Mooladhara chakra is the first of the seven chakras. 

It is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the colour red. Some of its corresponding body areas and organs are the pelvic plexus, the last 3 vertebrae, the anus, large intestine and legs.

The positive attributes of the Mooladhara Chakra are vitality, vigour and growth. The negative qualities are laziness, inertia, self-centredness and domination by one's physical desires. Mooladhara chakra forms the basis, the foundation from which we climb the ladder of the Chakras. It is the starting point for our spiritual development, and it provides us all the nourishment.

Mookladhara holds the Karmas of our past lives and from these arise the happiness or unhappiness experienced in this current life. 

It is the chakra of stability, security, and our basic needs. The energies of the Root Chakra help us to feel grounded and connected to this Earth.  It gives us a place for our life to 'take root' and for the flow of energies to propel us forward on our life journey.

How can we balance the root chakra?

By doing Reiki self healing daily

By seeing red. Imagine the color glowing brightly at the base of the spine, where it is located

By taking a shower

By doing yoga

By dancing

By taking a walk, preferably barefoot on grass

By meditating on the mooladhara chakra

If the energy circulation is not optimum at the root chakra, you may feel nervous, fearful and insecure about your safety. On the physical plane, you may often feel fatigued or become constipated easily.

Root chakra symbol

It is symbolized by a red, four-petaled lotus. The colour red means energy and vitality. It indicates the existence of a strong, dense energy and is connected to the earth. Our existence has its roots in the earth and therefore the EARTH element (Tattva) is assigned to the Mooladhara Chakra.

Mooladhara is said to be the base from which the three main psychic channels or nadis emerge: the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The seed mantra syllable is लं (Laṃ). In the center of the square, below the seed syllable, is a deep red inverted triangle. The tip of the triangle pointing downwards indicates that we are at the beginning of our spiritual development; and the sides that spread upwards and outwards show the direction of the developing consciousness.

The kundalini shakti is said to sleep here, Muladhara is considered the foundation of the "energy body". Yogic systems stress the importance of stabilizing this chakra. Kundalini awakening begins here. It is also known as the seat of the "red bindu," or subtle drop, which rises up to the "white bindu" in the head to unite the feminine and masculine energies, the Shakti and Shiva. It is associated with the element of earth, the sense of smell and the action of excretion.

The presiding deity for the Mooladhara Chakra is Shri Ganesha, the Eternal Child. He is the embodiment of innocence and He guards His Mother Kundalini (Gauri) with great alertness and uncompromising zeal. It is He who informs Kundalini when it is time to awaken and it is His anger which produces the heat in the sympathetic nervous system if any unauthorized person tries to do so. This is the reason why so many seekers have suffered a wide variety of mental and physical ailments, some serious enough to require hospitalization.





Monday, September 21, 2020

Hypnotherapy- A Wonderful Tool


Hypnotherapy uses relaxation, extreme concentration, and intense attention to achieve a heightened state of consciousness to place an individual into a “trance” or altered state of awareness. While it can be used as the first line treatment to help people cope with pain, stress and anxiety, it is also useful for quitting smoking or losing weight. It is especially of value in the current times when a large sized population is gripped in fear from the covid-19 situation and hypnotherapy can be a life saviour for them.


The word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word “hypnos,” which simply means, “sleep.” At the same time it is not totally sleep. There is a common misconception that one will not be conscious of the surrounding in hypnosis. In sleep, one is not aware of things happening around. But in hypnosis, the person will be conscious, he/she will hear the sound of the air conditioner or a car honking outside. The difference is, the subconscious mind is activated by the process, and it is in a receptive and executing mode.

Sometimes, hypnosis feels just like your normal state of consciousness. But if you got your results, in spite of the fact that you felt like in your normal state of consciousness during the session, I would consider the hypnosis to be particularly effective.


Hypnosis is defined as a state of mind, while hypnotherapy is the name of the therapeutic modality in which hypnosis is used. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, which means the therapist is just facilitating the process and nobody can be hypnotised against their will and consent.

The success rate of hypnosis

Hypnosis was found to have a 93 percent success rate in a study analysis from 1970, with fewer sessions needed than both psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Friedmutter opined that  “This led researchers to believe that, for changing habits, thought patterns, and behavior, hypnosis was the most effective method”.

The effects of Hypnotic suggestion or Hypnotherapy can result in a permanent change, to last a lifetime. Up to 98% of people can quit smoking in just one session.

Why does it not work in some cases?

In rare cases hypnotherapy may not work or the effect last. Partly it may depend on the skill of the hypnotherapist, but majorly it is due to the client’s lack of willingness to change.

Major advantage of hypnotherapy

I have been doing past life regression therapy and hypnotherapy from 2008 with many miraculous results. But after the lockdown period, it was impossible to conduct past life therapies. The session takes a minimum of 2 hours and online sessions are not comfortable as it is very difficult to hear clearly what the client says since majority of the clients talk in low volume under trance.

But in hypnotherapy it is not necessary for the client to talk during trance and it takes much shorter time. So I have been doing online hypnotherapy sessions with very good results.

Can the client get stuck in the trance?

Many of my clients have voiced this fear. But it cannot happen. Before starting the online session I tell them clearly, I am taking you into hypnotic state and I will bring you back. But if by chance the net connection gets disrupted and our contact is lost, there is absolutely nothing to worry or fear. Hypnosis is a sleep like state and after a while you will totally come out of this deeply relaxed state.