I have a dentist colleague who is equally interested in
alternative therapies and spiritual knowledge. She learned Reiki, she and her
family members got past life regression therapy and healings from me on several
occasions. She visits me often and we have interesting spiritual discussions.
Recently when she came to meet me, she had a very
interesting experience to tell. She saw a TV program on a spiritual person. At
an young age, he felt drawn to spirituality and went to the Himalayas ,
where he was trained by a sage for three years. Then he was instructed to go to
the plains and spread the teachings.
He had taken many photographs of the place where he stayed
in the Himalayas . His guru did not allow his
picture to be taken. My dentist colleague tried to visualize his guru’s face
during meditation and to her surprise, she saw my face! She was very excited to
impart this information to me.
I was also glad to hear this, since it was a confirmation of
what Dr. Newton had told me. There can be parallel existence.